Menu infoMenu screenshot
Menu 18

Menu code: Was (Not Was)

Menu gfx: N/A
Menu music:

Buggy Boy by Elite, Crack by LSD

Eco by Denton Designs, Crack by LSD

Wizball by Ocean, Crack by LSD

Phantasm by Exocet, Crack by LSD

Floyd the Droid by Analog, Crack by LSD
This is menu 18. Like it?
Menu 18v2

Menu code: The Law

Menu gfx: The CMT
Menu music: Alloy Run

Buggy Boy by Elite, Crack by LSD

Eco by Denton Designs, Crack by LSD

Wizball by Ocean, Crack by LSD

Phantasm by Exocet, Crack by LSD

Floyd the Droid by Analog, Crack by LSD

Dragon Lord by ?, Crack by Disaster Zone
This is menu 18. Like it?

Mega thanks to Mr. Sam for the bulk of the menu screenshots!