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D-Bug & Automation Forum >> Coding >> Bugaboo usage

Message started by ggn on 22.05.07 at 10:01:03

Title: Bugaboo usage
Post by ggn on 22.05.07 at 10:01:03
I've been meaning to start this topic since I came back from Outline 07, but I didn't have enough time in my hands, plus real life stuff etc. ;) This tutorial was conceived when I sat next to SSB and showed him a couple of tricks of this debugger and we said that it would be a good idea to do a thing like that, so here it is!

Dunno if I will finish it in 1 go, maybe it will be extended and corrected as time goes by. I'll try to keep a structure in this text, but it's not easy to include all the stuff I want (and because this is by no means an exhaustive manual). So you'll have to bear with me :)

Your feedback will be appreciated of course! Also, if any other sites would like to reprint this, they should consult me first please.

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