Karoshi seriesCan't understand how these slipped my mind so far, oh well better late than never!
It's the platformer that I suppose most people into gaming wished they would have coded! The idea is very simple (and brilliant): you get your static screen platformer with all obstacles, switches, weird timings etc, but instead of guiding the character to the end point, instead you have to find a way to kill him

. Of course, after this novelty wears out you're left with a platformer with just slightly different goals. But the levels design more than make up for it, and on later levels you need to think out of the box to solve them.
The graphics and sound are pretty basic (deliberately I remember reading somewhere), but the game mechanics are pretty damn solid, and that's the game's major strength.
All in all - recommended!
Karoshi suicide salaryman:
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/462774Super Karoshi:
http://armorgames.com/play/3784/super-karoshiThe creator's website (contains some offline versions):