So here's the deal.
Ever since Sauron joined Reboot, all of us encourage him to get back to coding again and he's enthusiastic about it. But then, making a full blown game for a first project is both daunting and wrong. So we thought we'd help him out pick up on his coding skills first before venturing onto big stuff.
Thus, this is what we came up with: We'll make some assignments for him, he can sit down and think about it, and then post some code. Then we'll have a look and say if it's right and if there is a better solution than him or whatever else. Of course, if anyone else wants to join in and provide other solutions and suggestions, we won't have any objections!!
The choice of language is, as expected, Motorola 68000, since the Jaguar uses that and of course since it's probably the easiest CPU to learn coding
We're not sure where this will head ATM, there are many possibilities, but let's start and see what we'll do later