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D-Bug & Automation Forum >> ST/STE/MSTE/Falcon/TT Patches >> The wish list thread

Message started by ggn on 27.02.07 at 13:48:09

Title: Re: The wish list thread
Post by ggn on 07.02.09 at 12:38:09

poisonlife wrote on 06.02.09 at 11:28:21:
maybe it's installable but robinson requiem seems to not be interested in the 16 mhz mode and in the cache. a bit more of speed would be useful for this game.

Well I really doubt that the game would detect the machine and if it has cache or cpu setting then set it to slow speed. If you set your mste speed via the control panel and then the game won't run faster, then there's little we can do.

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