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D-Bug & Automation Forum >> ST/STE/MSTE/Falcon/TT Patches >> The wish list thread

Message started by ggn on 27.02.07 at 13:48:09

Title: Re: The wish list thread
Post by Christos on 20.05.07 at 07:54:26

Snoopy wrote on 19.05.07 at 20:27:50:
:o 8-) :D :exclamation >:(falcon fixed...! ;o)
found your site a

while ago but no internet access! >:(  streetfighter2 works with backward but is very poor because of all the disk swapping! is there a backward games fix list anywhere?
just a thought but gamegear is z80 so how difficult to make the spectrum emu compatible?

There is a list made in 1994-95 that was just that, the settings needed for certain games to run with backwards. Just do a google search and you will find it. If you can't I'll upload it here. And doesn't the D-Bug version of SF2 work on falcon without any other settings?

The gamegear and the spectrum have a lot of hardware differences apart from the CPU that a standard falcon is not able to cope with. SMS+ has  been ported to the Falcon but needs a 060 processor to be of any use.

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