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D-Bug & Automation Forum >> Hardware >> Atari's, SCSI, and transferring data from a PC

Message started by Heavy Stylus on 31.10.07 at 13:08:08

Title: Re: Call me a D-Bug fanboy...
Post by Heavy Stylus on 31.10.07 at 16:59:07
Cheers GGN.  :)

First problem for me to overcome is to work out how to transfer all my files from my virtual hard drives in STEEM over to my Atari SCSI HD (when I get it)...  Is there some Atari file-splitting/joining software I can use in STEEM so I can transfer stuff over via 720KB formatted disks?

I think this is going to take some time... but it'll be worth it!

I was thinking about using two Iomega zip drives instead of an HD (one SCSI Zip drive on my Atari and one USB Zip drive on my PC) but apparently I won't be able to read Atari formatted zip disks on a PC.  In fact, I'm not even sure if you can boot from a Zip disk on an Atari (although they are compatible with HDDriver by all accounts).

Any recomendations?  Note that I'm a danger to myself *and* vintage electronics with a soldering iron, so adding an IDE port to my STE isn't going to happen...

Probably shouldn't ask these questions here, but I was being told all sorts of conflicting info in broken english over at Atari-Forum from PPera... ;)  I figured that you guys are the people with the real Atari knowledge...

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