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Message started by Icey on 04.12.08 at 22:23:34

Title: The advent 08 bulk delivery thread !
Post by Icey on 04.12.08 at 22:23:34
OK first up chips challenge was never a throwaway for me,i had a good couple of absorbing hours the other night ;)

Feel free to leave your comments :)

Title: Re: The advent 08 bulk delivery thread !
Post by Heavy Stylus on 10.12.08 at 12:16:28
Yeah - I used to have it on the Atari Lynx, and I reckon the ST version is actually a pretty solid game - certainly gets the old grey matter going when you get a few levels in.

Title: Re: The advent 08 bulk delivery thread !
Post by Heavy Stylus on 10.12.08 at 12:44:54
My favourites so far this year are:

Turrican - an obvious choice, but doesn't EVERYONE love this game anyway?

Helter Skelter - I'd never played this before, but it has a real charm to it.  Basic arcade-style gameplay, but really fun and quite addictive.  Is this one based on another game or is it an original concept?

Switchblade II - I bought this one when it came out!  Superb platformer let down by AWFUL scrolling.  Fortunately the game has bucket loads of character and there's a great console-style game behind the bad coding.  It's worth checking out the superior Amiga version, if you have one.

P-47 - Another one I'd never heard of before... This is a really solid shooter (and I actually prefer this to WoD) with superb arcade style gfx and classic game-play.  Timeless.

Wings of Death DELUXE - Kudos to DBug for the music upgrade on this one.  Shame you couldn't bypass the 'insert disk two and press space' message, but out of all the releases so far this year, this is the one that's made me really wish I had a falcon!

Now for my xmas wish list (which is a bit pointless as I know these aren't in the line up)...

Bonanza Bros - I played the ST port of this the other day and was really surprised at how well this psuedo 3D platforming rob-em-up plays on the Atari - well worth a look.

Stardust - I don't care that this can't be falconised!  I just want an HD patch so I can remove three disks from my box and play this great game with ease!!!

Eliminator - Classic Hewson shooter that is actually better on the ST than Amiga!  W00t!

Rubicon - Boss-rush shoot-em-up that plays really well and has stood the test of time.  Great gfx considering the limitations of the ST palette - very Bitmap Bros.  Also has the same name as a very tasty brand of exotic juice drinks ;)

Plutos - An AWESOME two-player shooter that really pushes the ST to it's limits!  OK, that's a lie.  ;) But despite being 80's Microdeal pap, this game is actually great fun with two players...  Although the Atari 7800 prototype port is much better!

Magic Boy - Massively underated cutesy platformer.  It has rasters too!

I could go on, but this exercise is rather pointless, and I'll be happy with whatever the DBug future releases are... well, I will be after the onslaught of bad games have finished! ;)

Title: Re: The advent 08 bulk delivery thread !
Post by ggn on 10.12.08 at 14:52:32

Heavy Stylus wrote on 10.12.08 at 12:44:54:
Now for my xmas wish list (which is a bit pointless as I know these aren't in the line up)...

Bonanza Bros - I played the ST port of this the other day and was really surprised at how well this psuedo 3D platforming rob-em-up plays on the Atari - well worth a look.

Stardust - I don't care that this can't be falconised!  I just want an HD patch so I can remove three disks from my box and play this great game with ease!!!

Eliminator - Classic Hewson shooter that is actually better on the ST than Amiga!  W00t!

Rubicon - Boss-rush shoot-em-up that plays really well and has stood the test of time.  Great gfx considering the limitations of the ST palette - very Bitmap Bros.  Also has the same name as a very tasty brand of exotic juice drinks ;)

Plutos - An AWESOME two-player shooter that really pushes the ST to it's limits!  OK, that's a lie.  ;) But despite being 80's Microdeal pap, this game is actually great fun with two players...  Although the Atari 7800 prototype port is much better!

Magic Boy - Massively underated cutesy platformer.  It has rasters too!

I could go on, but this exercise is rather pointless, and I'll be happy with whatever the DBug future releases are... well, I will be after the onslaught of bad games have finished! ;)

You can also post these in the wish list thread - occasionally we go through that thread and get ideas of what to do next!

Title: Re: The advent 08 bulk delivery thread !
Post by Heavy Stylus on 12.12.08 at 09:50:36
C'mon GGN - what's this about Final Fight being fixed and not released?  I've seen your post about it in the locked Advent thread!

Oh, and while I'm asking stuff, what about the ULS version of No Second Prize - I heard that was due for release soon too?


Title: Re: The advent 08 bulk delivery thread !
Post by ggn on 12.12.08 at 10:40:53
Possible answers:

1) Post made to confuse people
2) Post made because I thought we had released Final Fight already
3) Post made because I like that text

Title: Re: The advent 08 bulk delivery thread !
Post by CJ on 12.12.08 at 11:04:16
It's Schrodinger's Patch.

Looking into it changes its state.

Very Zen...

Title: Re: The advent 08 bulk delivery thread !
Post by Heavy Stylus on 12.12.08 at 12:08:07
I'm guessing it's a combination of reasons 1, 2 and 3. :)

Title: Re: The advent 08 bulk delivery thread !
Post by Christos on 12.12.08 at 13:48:20
A superposition of all possible 3 states.

I was going to solve the problem, but I realised I suck at quantum mechanics. (Quantum Mechanics book taken out of the shelf).

I really like quantum mechanics, probably because I don't quite understand it, but then as a certain Mr Feynman once said, if you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't. He also said that physics is like sex, sure it gives some practical results but that is not why we do it. I guess one has to bow before the greatness of the man.
Anyway, the principal of superposition states that before you perform a measurement, any quantum system is in every possible state, just with different probability. In our case we have a quantum system with 3 possible states which are equally probable. Therefore before the post was placed, ggn had at 1/3 forgotten Final Fight wasn't released, 1/3 liked the text 1/3 wanted to confuse people. Once he posted only 1 of the 3 is true.
So as you have probably realised so far, CJ, you should avoid such references in the future :)

Title: Re: The advent 08 bulk delivery thread !
Post by ggn on 12.12.08 at 13:55:05

Christos wrote on 12.12.08 at 13:48:20:
A superposition of all possible 3 states.

I was going to solve the problem, but I realised I suck at quantum mechanics. (Quantum Mechanics book taken out of the shelf).

I really like quantum mechanics, probably because I don't quite understand it, but then as a certain Mr Feynman once said, if you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't. He also said that physics is like sex, sure it gives some practical results but that is not why we do it. I guess one has to bow before the greatness of the man.
Anyway, the principal of superposition states that before you perform a measurement, any quantum system is in every possible state, just with different probability. In our case we have a quantum system with 3 possible states which are equally probable. Therefore before the post was placed, ggn had at 1/3 forgotten Final Fight wasn't released, 1/3 liked the text 1/3 wanted to confuse people. Once he posted only 1 of the 3 is true.
So as you have probably realised so far, CJ, you should avoid such references in the future :)

tl;dr. CJ can post whatever he wants :P

Title: Re: The advent 08 bulk delivery thread !
Post by Heavy Stylus on 14.12.08 at 03:16:50
(Note that my Atari Forum D-Bug post got locked for becoming an anti-pperror flamewar - so I've made a new, enhanced one instead!  Hopefully this will pull more traffic here...)

Title: Re: The advent 08 bulk delivery thread !
Post by Shw on 15.12.08 at 06:50:55
oooh more big stick waving!

lock lock lock!

Shw :)

Title: Re: The advent 08 bulk delivery thread !
Post by Icey on 19.12.08 at 13:43:56
I think batman is a nice platformer,though the joker is certainly getting the upper hand at the moment,its quite neat the way his face gradually replaces batmans face as you lose life.Try playing turrican and then this game,into the slooow lane.Also like to give a mention for the tune by dubmood on blood money, nice :)Damn hard game though and with no trainer!  

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