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Message started by remowilliams on 31.01.09 at 07:02:27

Title: Single load (TOS/PRG) games
Post by remowilliams on 31.01.09 at 07:02:27
So I figured if you lot spent the time doing all these, the least I could do was try them out (even if some are crapola  :P).   So here I present the list of all those that I found issues with.  I didn't want to start a topic for each one so I lumped them all together.

Note: most intros with the wavy 'dbug presents', and the dbug logo in the background - the 'use 16mhz',  and trainer options are barely or not at all visible.


Arcade Classics - 4 bombs, launched from med/low

Astaroth - music too fast with 8mhz enabled / game goes to start screen, plays in game music - no player character or anything else appears on screen other than the background gfx, all inputs seem to do nothing

Frenetic - after crack screen, just black screen and music (which sounds to fast even if 8Mhz is selected).

Ghosts N Goblins - runs fast even if 8Mhz is selected

Ghouls N Ghosts - runs fast even if 8Mhz is selected

Helter Skelter - runs fast even if 8Mhz is selected.  Basically unplayable

Indiana Jones - 16Mhz doesn't seem to do anything

Mean Machine - runs fast even if 8Mhz is selected

Mercenary III - runs fast even if 8Mhz is selected

Microprose Soccer - runs fast even if 8Mhz is selected

Mudpies - immediately crashes to the desktop, lots 'o' bombs

Munsters - runs fast even if 8Mhz is selected

The New Zealand Story - 'press fire to play' Not here, no way to start the game

Pepsi Challenge - runs fast even if 8Mhz is selected.  Didn't seem to be able to control the player character.

Rainbow Islands - Dbug intro seems to have trouble (music stutter, animation leaving pieces behind occasionally), game loads title screen then just turns black.  8 or 16Mhz selected

Ripcord - 1 player is selected, mouse is active but cannot select start

Spikey In Transylvania - black screen after in game title screen 8/16Mhz

Lands of Havoc - 4 bombs, return to desktop

Wizball - graphics flicker in and out like mad making it unplayable

Wonderboy in Monsterland - music seems to run too fast 8/16Mhz

Zany Golf - depack screen, then three bombs, launched from med/low


MSTE (NTSC) 4MB/2.06/Satandisk 1GB SD(250M part)/HDDRIVER8.23/clean boot/Low free 3972870

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