D-Bug & Automation Forum
D-Bug & Automation Forum >> ST/STE/MSTE/Falcon/TT Patches >> Single load (TOS/PRG) games

Message started by remowilliams on 31.01.09 at 07:02:27

Title: Re: Single load (TOS/PRG) games
Post by CJ on 31.01.09 at 11:45:59
Ok, first off

"Runs too fast even at 8mhz" - The VGA falcon is 60Hz and not 50Hz... NTSC is 60Hz and not 50hz... so really, its 10fps faster by default. Nothing we can do.

As for the others, that seems a tad too long a list for it to be anything other than a hardware fault - especially when you take into account your no sound F19 issue. Plus it's an STE with a Satandisk (v1) - could it be bad DMA or even unreliable Satandisks?

They've all been tested on 3 MSTE's with different TOS' before we release them.

Also, and please dont take this the wrong way (like some other people have) but waiting (for some cases) over two years and then submitting a massive bug report of 20 or so titles is a bit off.

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