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D-Bug & Automation Forum >> Coding >> Jaguar: Jetpac Source Code

Message started by CJ on 26.05.09 at 03:39:21

Title: Jaguar: Jetpac Source Code
Post by CJ on 26.05.09 at 03:39:21
Guess I'll post this here then!

Please do not host this file elsewhere, but do feel free to link to our forums for it.

The code contains some really useful routines like screen init, objectlist management, bmp to jag conversion and even a DSP MODule replay routine.  Feel free to rip it to bits and use it in your own games!

C'mon folks, lets prove the Jaguar isnt so hard to code on.
http://d-bug.mooo.com/dbugforums/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?action=downloadfile;file=JETPACJ64-SOURCE.ZIP ( 114 KB | Downloads )

Title: Re: Jetpac Source Code
Post by Heavy Stylus on 26.05.09 at 09:58:03
This is a great show of scene-spirit CJ.  Hopefully we'll see more Jag games in the future.  That Tapper remake by those new sceners at reboot.atari.org looks really promising :)

Title: Re: Jetpac Source Code
Post by promethea on 11.06.09 at 18:58:43
Hi there,

for the bugfixed version:

Open joypad.s, scroll down until you find:

Code (]ck_fireC[/code):

5 lines down you'll find a line that says:

[code]        bne.s   ck_fireC

Change that to

[code]        bne.s   ck_Option[/code]

And you're done :)

Title: Re: Jetpac Source Code
Post by ovalbugmann on 12.08.09 at 07:58:20
Thank you for the Jetpac source code CJ!!, it will help me to understand basic Jaguar programming. ;)

Also, thanks to promethea, for the fixed version of the source and recompiling the jetfix.zip version of the game and uploading it to the dbug site.  :)  If anyone else was involved in the fix, so it doesn't crash - thank you also! :)

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