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Message started by ggn on 18.11.09 at 20:15:34

Title: Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Post by sh3-rg on 27.06.10 at 10:03:36

ggn wrote on 27.06.10 at 09:39:29:
I was preparing to write a big rant because I chatted with some people over IRC who loathe online games, but it'll have to wait for another time! Instead, here's another one of them.

Well, heard it all before. You very rarely get people who really know games saying shit like that. It's a casual/elitist/brain-dead auto-response. It's like saying GPU in MAIN is the key to making all good Jaguar games & then producing some half-arsed 8-bit shit with it.

Online games is probably the only real place anything exciting/interesting/challenging/worthy is going on in games. The games industry is so far up it's own arse churning out clone after clone of this, that & the other... online games have taken a step waaaaay back & explored a lot more of what should have happened when everything went 3D & shit in the first place. Fuck retrogaming  & nostalgia - that's not what this is about, but what most people confuse it for.

You can't erect a building & expect it to stand the test of time without firm foundations - much of modern gaming is built on a stack of shite... that's why old 3d games are almost universally SHIT, except a few pioneering/thoughtful ones here & there over many, many years.

There's more fun to be had with online games than 99% of a ps36wii library of games, & it's basically free.

Yep, people who say online games are shit are fuckwits, either blinded by shiny graphics or just empty, hollow shell excuse for human beings with no soul or understanding about what makes games FUN. But there you go, they made a multi-billion dollar industry for those dumb fucks :P

There's more fun & innovation linked in this thread than in a year of modern game releases.

My 2p.

ps Fuck you if you think games have to be 3D to be worthy, fuck you if you think the only good games are 2D made before 1987 - you're a dumb cunt either way!

retrogaming is SHIT
modern gaming is SHIT
online gaming is SHIT, with a few nice things here & there!

there you go GGN, I did a rant so you didn't have to :P Now go write me some retrogame 3D POS!

EDIT: While I was here, I should have said this: "If you play First Person Shooters, you are the biggest cunt of them all - YOU are the reason modern gaming is SHIT for buying & playing that schoolboy shite. Big FUCK YOU." :P

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