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D-Bug & Automation Forum >> ST/STE/MSTE/Falcon/TT Patches >> new TT user

Message started by c0ze on 16.12.10 at 17:31:41

Title: Re: new TT user
Post by ggn on 16.12.10 at 18:03:03
Hi there,

c0ze wrote on 16.12.10 at 17:31:41:
hello there,
First of all, I would like to thank you for all your efforts, for all the patches, and this site to offer support for them.  :)
I'm new to the Atari world (mostly an Amiga user) I got hold of a TT, and would like to set it up with some games, however I havent had much luck so far ...

I have some questions as I dont get some of the things you guys take for granted here,

1 - Should I take it that all games which have 030 in the name should work for the TT too ?  :-?

Not necessarily, I got a TT in may 2007 so everything released before that is hit'n'miss. Generally I found the TT quite compatible with the games I tried on it. As always, load as little auto folder programs and accessories as possible and make sure your hard driver's cache is set to minimum values. Also, use plain TOS, not MiNT or Magic or any replacement desktop. Generally, use a virgin system :)

c0ze wrote on 16.12.10 at 17:31:41:
2 - These single file patches, ought to work without anything else ? (no other game files ?) I wonder if they are just 'patches' meant to replace the game exe, or a big exe which includes all files ?

Yes, download, copy to machine and run. Each zip file from our patches page has all the relevant files.

c0ze wrote on 16.12.10 at 17:31:41:
3 - what is the hardware referenced as 'Buggy Unsupported Hardware' ?

Nothing you should worry about on your TT :)

c0ze wrote on 16.12.10 at 17:31:41:
some info on my setup :

I am using a TT with 4 meg ST RAM and 32 meg TT RAM with a 4 gb IBM HDD on the internal SCSI, an unknown VME network card (which is not getting used due to no drivers) and a Hydra on the cartridge port (main means to get files from the PC). I am using the ICD driver (latest one, 6.22 ?)

I reduced the caches as low as I can (right now its like 21 Kb or something ?). My auto folder has stuff for Magic, Jinnee, some StiNG cpxs, MagxNet.

As I say above, try not to load mint, jinnee, sting, magnet.

c0ze wrote on 16.12.10 at 17:31:41:
4 - I tried to get some games to work from the site of a certain person who shall not be named here, where also usage of bigdos was recommended. I take it it is not necessary ? (I removed it since ...)

For out stuff? Absolutely not.

c0ze wrote on 16.12.10 at 17:31:41:
As I said I dont get much luck getting games to run (lets say Rick030) The splash screen comes (with press any key message) I press any key and just get a black screen (same story with most games). I try booting with CTRL pressed on boot, (I take it this prevents stuff from auto folder getting executed), install devices (to see the partition where my games are) but stil no luck.

what shall I do ? If 030 denotes Falcon compatibility, is there a list which contains games known to work on TT ?  ::)

I think that you need to press a different key combo for ICD to bypass everything.

In any case, I'll try a few old games like rick 1/2 and will see if they work (memory tells me that they did), and will post back when I can.

I would say that newer fixes should have better compatibility with the TT, especially after we released ULSv3, which is about late 2008.

Don't lose hope, we'll get you sorted out!

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