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Message started by ggn on 22.04.12 at 18:02:05

Title: Automation #023
Post by ggn on 22.04.12 at 18:02:05

Turbo Cup by Loriciel, Crack by Was (Not Was)

Flying Shark by Firebird, Crack by Was (Not Was)

Strip Poker by Artworx, Crack by B.O.S.S.

Snafux by Damian Todaro, Crack by Vapour

Title: Re: Automation #023
Post by aktiv8 on 28.04.12 at 15:43:18
Strip Poker

A game that promises so much but provides pixelated titillation that you just find it hard to bother.

Whilst the ladies in any state of dress are pleasant for graphics, you just wish this was at least digitised - Hell if they could digitise and animate Daley Thomson (http://d-bug.mooo.com/automenus.php?s=31&e=31) then surely we could have had some static digi-boobies?  :D

Women aside this is nothing more than your average poker game that you will enjoy for a little while, but probably rather hack to see the other pictures than play through hand-by-hand (or something in hand anyway!)

A_023_001.bmp ( 187 KB | Downloads )
A_023_003.bmp ( 187 KB | Downloads )

Title: Re: Automation #023
Post by ggn on 28.04.12 at 16:37:57
While playtesting Strip poker to see if everything works ok, I found an easy way to outsmart the AI: even if you have no cards, just keep betting $25, 9 out of 10 times the computer will drop. Use this with some strategy, i.e. don't bet $25 till a few bets/raises have been made and the pot is yours without even revealing cards!

Anyhoo, my review for this menu is...


Okay, if I had to write a 3rd review about a vertical shoot'em'up, I'd really be pushing it never mind Flying shark being a good game. So instead I'm going to cover a game that most people will dismiss as crap right away, but is actually a bit fun!

This game is a variation of Tron light cycles. It is strictly single player, with the player controlling the trail that consists of red circles and the computer controlling the green-and-many-more-colours trail. The goal of the game remains the same: make the opponent crash before you do. While the standard tron rules apply to you, i.e. if you touch a non-blank space then bye bye, for the computer it's a bit different. For starters the computer trail moves much faster than the player, and also it can step on its own trail a few times before blowing up. The main strategy is trapping the computer in a small region where it can blow up at its own time, but that's not always easy due to the speed difference. It can become a bit random too, since it can trap you without even noticing.

It's one of these games that look utter crap at first but they're interesting too after a few goes. The main problem of course is convincing people to try it more than one time :). Don't look at me, I'm not going to even suggest you play it, but I sure will give it a few tries!

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