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D-Bug & Automation Forum >> Automation CD Menu releases >> Automation #027

Message started by ggn on 26.04.12 at 17:02:31

Title: Automation #027
Post by ggn on 26.04.12 at 17:02:31

Live and Let Die by Domark, Crack by LSD

Foundation's Waste by Exocet, Crack by Was (Not Was)

ST Protector by Firebird, Crack by LSD

Pandora by Firebird, Crack by LSD

Title: Re: Automation #027
Post by aktiv8 on 27.04.12 at 16:51:46
Foundations Waste

Firstly how many menus has Wall B's infamous tune been used on? (answer on a postcard to the sorting office please :P).  As soon as the title page appears and the music starts, you have a feeling you are in for some fun.

Foundations is a great addictive game to keep even the most hard core of shoot-em up fans happy.  Xenon-esq, Foundations trumps many games of this genre with its big, bright, colourful graphics, smooth controls and enemy patterns that sometimes require you better have that elusive side shooting power up or prepare to be almost pixel perfect trying to avoid the side attacks.

Boot the menu up now and get blasting!  :)
A_027_fw.png ( 14 KB | Downloads )

Title: Re: Automation #027
Post by ggn on 28.04.12 at 16:45:26

Yes! Paradox games are teh bestestest!!!111111

Where do I start? The game's art or sound? The "press any key" message that does nothing because the game is waiting for the fire button? The humans in-game that move in a different speed than the terrain they're standing on? The ship sprite? The fact that you have to travel long distances to get to even one enemy? That your fire only one bullet at a time? The homing missiles that when they reach the same height as you start changing frames between the one point up and down because there's not one pointing to the centre? (just noticed, it happens with the x coordinate as well!) The highscore font (ow my eyes! And it even has Bob!)? The scrolling itself? That although it's "ST protector", some enemies have the fuji logo on them?

In one word: "OSSOM"! I think it got on my list for Falcon fixing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111ONOENOENOENEONOENoeneoneonene

auto027_001.png ( 6 KB | Downloads )

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