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D-Bug & Automation Forum >> Automation CD Menu releases >> Automation #069A

Message started by ggn on 09.05.12 at 15:57:45

Title: Automation #069A
Post by ggn on 09.05.12 at 15:57:45

President Elect by N/A, Crack by Cotton

Stellar Crusade by Norman Roger, Crack by S.T.C.S

Winter Games by Epyx, Crack by A-ha

Ultima III - Exodus by Origin, Crack by Sharaz Jek

Title: Re: Automation #069A
Post by aktiv8 on 24.05.12 at 16:52:42
Winter Games

OK lets get this review out of the way as the menu has been sitting lonely there in the top half of the forum for ages.... (plus GGN released the menu so fair is fair)

Winter games is your typical Epyx games title featuring all the usual winter sports from bob-sleigh to hot dogs to ski jumps.

Controls are fairly easy to master as is each even.  Graphics are fine for this type of game - ranging from stick men (ski jump) to a more beefy character (hot dog).  Sound is nothing special, but game play keeps you trying to better your last attempts score.  Variety wise enough events to keep you interested for a little while.
auto069a_001.bmp ( 187 KB | Downloads )
auto069a_006.bmp ( 187 KB | Downloads )
auto069a_009.bmp ( 187 KB | Downloads )
auto069a_010.bmp ( 187 KB | Downloads )

Title: Re: Automation #069A
Post by John on 26.05.19 at 16:35:36
ALERT! All the #69 (OH'ER) menus are 404ing for me. Oh no!  :(

Title: Re: Automation #069A
Post by ggn on 05.06.19 at 20:39:47
All fixed, thanks for the report!

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