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D-Bug & Automation Forum >> Automation CD Menu releases >> Automation #110

Message started by ggn on 27.05.12 at 06:06:48

Title: Automation #110
Post by ggn on 27.05.12 at 06:06:48

Ballyhoo by Infocom, Crack by Sharaz Jek

Deadline by Infocom, Crack by Sharaz Jek

Lurking Horror by Infocom, Crack by Sharaz Jek

Seastalker by Infocom, Crack by Sharaz Jek

Zork I - The Great Underground Empire by Infocom, Crack by Sharaz Jek

Zork II - The Wizard of Frobozz by Infocom, Crack by Sharaz Jek

Zork III - The Dungeon Master by Infocom, Crack by Sharaz Jek

Plundered Hears by Infocom, Crack by Sharaz Jek

Title: Re: Automation #110
Post by ggn on 27.05.12 at 06:09:34
Well, they're text adventures. Since I doubt anyone have played any of these, I'll just release them and move on :)

Title: Re: Automation #110
Post by sn00py on 03.02.13 at 12:34:20
You are on a forum.... there is a thread about text adventures

Do you with to enter a reply?


Title: Re: Automation #110
Post by MitchFrenzal on 10.02.13 at 14:44:20
Are you sure you want to reply with only your bare hands?

(god help us all if you get that one. :) )

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