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Message started by ggn on 01.06.13 at 14:12:34

Title: Automation #140
Post by ggn on 01.06.13 at 14:12:34

Nighthunter by Ubisoft, Crack by Ozzwald

Grand Monster Slam by Rainbow Arts, Crack by Ozzwald

Title: Re: Automation #140
Post by simonsunnyboy on 15.06.13 at 11:41:28
Sofar I only heard the title of Grand Monster Slam but could not make anything out of this.

This is a sort of comic tournament with medival trolls and stuffs. Graphics are nicely drawn, some digitized sound effects play and there is some nice YM music.

Somehow the whole thing didn't feel right for me, more a like a Pong clone with fancy graphics where trolls and amazones throw heads or pumpkins at another.

For the graphics I can say, give the game a try, I personally couldn't find much appeal in it.

Note: The old versions seems not to work with 4MB STE settings. I don't know if this is a bug of Hatari or the game. A 1MB STFM config worked.

Title: Re: Automation #140
Post by Jake-Depression on 15.06.13 at 22:35:21
I thing itīs game, not emulator, because i have 4 meg STe and i remember i put program what down memory to 1meg or half meg (in auto folder) and then one old version what is in menudisk works right.

Title: Re: Automation #140
Post by MitchFrenzal on 21.07.13 at 18:02:16
There's a STEem patch for Grand Monster Slam, I'm not sure if it's for this Automation version though. Just for the record, I have had trouble with GMS on about 2 or 3 systems. (My C64 copy of it doesn't bloody work either.) But I never had any trouble with this version. :)

Title: Re: Automation #140
Post by ggn on 22.07.13 at 16:38:16
I've looked into that problem in the past. It boils down to some STE specific registers being written accidentally, that make the display "interesting". It'll get fixed... at some point ;)

Title: Re: Automation #140
Post by Shw on 02.09.13 at 07:04:24
Yeah I fixed this on my GMS patch (which I've not released yet)

it only involves changing a byte in the code


Title: Re: Automation #140
Post by mr.sam on 24.02.15 at 19:50:20
download http://d-bug.mooo.com/automenu/auto140v2.msa is broken.


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