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D-Bug & Automation Forum >> Automation CD Menu releases >> Automation #140

Message started by ggn on 01.06.13 at 14:12:34

Title: Re: Automation #140
Post by simonsunnyboy on 15.06.13 at 11:41:28
Sofar I only heard the title of Grand Monster Slam but could not make anything out of this.

This is a sort of comic tournament with medival trolls and stuffs. Graphics are nicely drawn, some digitized sound effects play and there is some nice YM music.

Somehow the whole thing didn't feel right for me, more a like a Pong clone with fancy graphics where trolls and amazones throw heads or pumpkins at another.

For the graphics I can say, give the game a try, I personally couldn't find much appeal in it.

Note: The old versions seems not to work with 4MB STE settings. I don't know if this is a bug of Hatari or the game. A 1MB STFM config worked.

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