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D-Bug & Automation Forum >> Automation CD Menu releases >> Automation #142

Message started by ggn on 16.06.13 at 16:42:15

Title: Re: Automation #142
Post by simonsunnyboy on 06.01.14 at 10:20:43
Moebius is a role play game. Graphics partially look good but the sound is entirely unworthy, even of the YM. It seems like a 1:1 adaption of a PC beeper torture.

Night dawn gives graphics garbage for me, it might be due to an STE config or Hatari itself....so I couldn't check it further.

Sub Battle Simulator is a submarine simulation, running in medium resolution. I couldn't figure out the controls, it looks pretty much mouse controlled and feels at times like a port from an early Mac game. Sound is entirely uninteresting. I personally prefer the more playable but cruder looking "Silent Service".
subbattlesim.png ( 14 KB | Downloads )

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