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D-Bug & Automation Forum >> ST/STE/MSTE/Falcon/TT Patches >> Thrust crashes on MegaST

Message started by Dal on 14.01.15 at 21:27:25

Title: Thrust crashes on MegaST
Post by Dal on 14.01.15 at 21:27:25
As per title - It will run in attract mode no problem.  But it crashes with 4 bombs during gameplay.

If I hit space as soon as the game loads, I can get to the 2nd level before it bombs.  However if I let the attract sequence go at least one time around, it always crashes on the first level.

I have a MegaST4 running HDDriver 9.04 with caches turned right down.  No Auto programs and launching in Low res (as I found some DBug titles like SuperCars 2 don't like launching from medium res).

Title: Re: Thrust crashes on MegaST
Post by ggn on 14.01.15 at 21:48:38
I have no STFM or Mega ST to test this sadly. As a last resort can you try this from a floppy without loading hddriver at all (yeah I know, kind of beats the whole purpose of working off a hard drive)? Also, the hddriver version we use is 8.23 and older, you think you could try an earlier version?

Title: Re: Thrust crashes on MegaST
Post by Dal on 14.01.15 at 22:17:27
OK - I just tried it from floppy - clean boot with hard disk switched off and disconnected.

Still crashes.

Title: Re: Thrust crashes on MegaST
Post by ggn on 20.01.15 at 22:14:53
I guess Shw will have to take a look at it...

Title: Re: Thrust crashes on MegaST
Post by ggn on 20.01.15 at 22:20:04
One more question, does it crash on any of your other machines like that?

Title: Re: Thrust crashes on MegaST
Post by Shw on 22.01.15 at 08:54:15
Ok. I'm away at the moment. Will check on my return.


Title: Re: Thrust crashes on MegaST
Post by Dal on 01.02.15 at 10:58:58
Checked it on a 2MB STM and it works fine - well to level 6 at least.

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