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Recasing an Atari STE (Read 1396 times)
Heavy Stylus

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Recasing an Atari STE
21.11.07 at 11:15:35
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Anyone here got a re-cased ST/STE?  My mate is trying to fit his into a rack mounted unit, and any advice would be appreciated.
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Re: Recasing an Atari STE
Reply #1 - 21.11.07 at 13:46:47
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Personally I'm against recasing Ataris Smiley

What advice is sought upon anyway? the ideal solution would be to position the motherboard close to one end, so holes can be drilled (the ST has so many connectors Smiley)
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Heavy Stylus

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Re: Recasing an Atari STE
Reply #2 - 21.11.07 at 14:42:30
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I was just wondering if any of you guys had any experience with this.  He's recasing it mainly as a hobby/project.  He recently retrieved his old STE from his parents loft and apparently it's turned completely gold and the PSU and keyboard are on the blink.  I think he wants to install a new PSU and set up the machine so he can use a PS/2 keyboard and mouse.

Not something that I'd be interested in doing - I much prefer using my old grey beast...
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Re: Recasing an Atari STE
Reply #3 - 21.11.07 at 22:29:28
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ggn wrote on 21.11.07 at 13:46:47:
Personally I'm against recasing Ataris Smiley

What advice is sought upon anyway? the ideal solution would be to position the motherboard close to one end, so holes can be drilled (the ST has so many connectors Smiley)

Unless it looks like mine Cheesy

I was just wondering if any of you guys had any experience with this.  He's recasing it mainly as a hobby/project.  He recently retrieved his old STE from his parents loft and apparently it's turned completely gold and the PSU and keyboard are on the blink.  I think he wants to install a new PSU and set up the machine so he can use a PS/2 keyboard and mouse.

Not something that I'd be interested in doing - I much prefer using my old grey beast..

OK here's some info from my research on the subject. It's not very hard to do. You start by getting an A3 paper sheet and placing the STE mainboard on it. Then you cut it and mark on it all the hole position (screws etc) plus the position of ports etc, though extending ports is not that hard tbh. Then you need to get or make a suitable box, I would avoid wood. Then it's a matter of personal taste where all things can go. For ps2 kbd and mouse you need an eiffel adapter. These can be mounted anywhere on the case. Needless to say you need a drilling tool and metal cutter.
Precautions, make sure that the mainboard doesn't touch any metal as this is certain death. best is to have the board somewhat elevated. That's all the info on recasing I have collected over the years. There is an article in written by stimpy iirc on that subject. I found it very well written.
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