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 10 What games deserve a ST conversion? (Read 2597 times)
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What games deserve a ST conversion?
10.02.08 at 21:14:43
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So you spent lots of time playing games on your Atari 16/32s. Lots and lots and lots of time I hope.

What this thread is about is simply: which games do you miss on this platform? I'll kick off the thread with some off the top of my head. I'd love to read some more!

  • Shadow world
  • Mr. Driller
  • Diamonds
  • Dan strikes back
  • Jet boot jack
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Re: What games deserve a ST conversion?
Reply #1 - 11.02.08 at 05:16:58
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King's Bounty (1990)

The forerunner of the great "Heroes of Might and Magic" series.

Addictive game!  Smiley
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Re: What games deserve a ST conversion?
Reply #2 - 11.02.08 at 10:15:10
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Some screenshots for the above games:

Shadow world:

Mr Driller


Dan strikes back:

Also, some more:

Fort Apocalypse:

Alley cat:


Alley cat \o/

Blue max \o/\o/\o/
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Re: What games deserve a ST conversion?
Reply #3 - 11.02.08 at 17:26:12
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Blue Max on the ST would be a bitch... sounds fun!

"With only one button, even drooling fucktards like Kizza can play our game!"
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Re: What games deserve a ST conversion?
Reply #4 - 16.02.08 at 21:23:21
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  • Mr. Driller

    I don't know how well kept a secret this is (not as good as it should have been, I know that much Wink ) but we got quite far with Mr Driller for ST in 2005. I can't honestly tell you why but it never got finished & don't know if it will. I only mention it here because you did & because a lot of people already know we worked on it. I don't think me saying this will make it any more or less likely to ever get finished but since I did spend some time making sprites & screens for the game I would like to see it finished one day. Playing it now, the main game functions are there, drilling down, left & right, everything drops down, etc. It's very bare bones, the sort of game demo you see from people where they get the main game going & then get put off 'cause all the boring stuff has to be done. If you see mr pink ask him if it'll ever be finished, and if he asks how you heard about it tell him from some German kid Wink

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    /|\ ATARI Freak

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    Re: What games deserve a ST conversion?
    Reply #5 - 17.02.08 at 22:24:02
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    Why donīt you just release the source code so anyone with more enthusiasm can finish it?
    RG are dead! Sadly, so much great games...
    « Last Edit: 17.02.08 at 22:25:52 by Saviour »  

    - /|\ ATARI Falcon030 with PhantomS - TOS 4.04 - 68882 FPU - 14 MB RAM - 800 MB internal IDE Harddisk - External CD-ROM - MagiC 6.2 - Jinnee 2.01 - NVDI 5.01 - HD Driver 8.13
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    Re: What games deserve a ST conversion?
    Reply #6 - 17.02.08 at 23:04:40
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    Saviour wrote on 17.02.08 at 22:24:02:
    Why donīt you just release the source code so anyone with more enthusiasm can finish it?
    RG are dead! Sadly, so much great games...

    Firstly, read sh3's signature Wink

    Secondly, I have inside info that RG will re-activate Smiley
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    reservoir reboot

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    Re: What games deserve a ST conversion?
    Reply #7 - 18.02.08 at 21:39:27
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    Saviour wrote on 17.02.08 at 22:24:02:
    Why donīt you just release the source code so anyone with more enthusiasm can finish it?
    RG are dead! Sadly, so much great games...

    Well thatīs the thing - itīs a piece of piss to throw together the basic parts of a game - months & months & months to make it into a proper, tested, reliable, working playable game. If anyone with enthusiasm could make games there would be a lot more of them.

    3 active coders, 2 semi-active coders, 1 active chip musician & 2 active gfxers and a tester/ideas man  - don`t dig the grave just yet.

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    Re: What games deserve a ST conversion?
    Reply #8 - 18.02.08 at 21:47:36
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    Mmmh, is that Outline I see on the distant horizon ?

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    Re: What games deserve a ST conversion?
    Reply #9 - 25.02.08 at 04:16:20
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    someone needs to finish that early port of the mario kart clone that made it onto the falcon ....

    and then we have conan

    and dark castle

    « Last Edit: 25.02.08 at 04:17:10 by karlm »  
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    Re: What games deserve a ST conversion?
    Reply #10 - 25.02.08 at 16:11:04
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    Conan is a great Atari8 game.... but nowhere near as good as Bruce Lee or The Goonies Smiley  (Or Zorro!)

    "With only one button, even drooling fucktards like Kizza can play our game!"
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    Re: What games deserve a ST conversion?
    Reply #11 - 26.02.08 at 11:04:24
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    I never could understand how to play Zorro...
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    reservoir reboot

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    Re: What games deserve a ST conversion?
    Reply #12 - 26.02.08 at 20:45:02
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    CJ wrote on 25.02.08 at 16:11:04:
    Conan is a great Atari8 game.... but nowhere near as good as Bruce Lee or The Goonies Smiley  (Or Zorro!)

    Bruce Lee was I think my favourite game from the 8bit era, so playable & even fun to watch someone else play for hours & hours Wink Hmm, I was quite partial to a bit of bombjack though.
    « Last Edit: 26.02.08 at 20:45:46 by sh3-rg »  

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