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Classic atari on the ST. (Read 891 times)
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Classic atari on the ST.
15.10.08 at 14:54:54
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Some of us started our gaming careers on the VCS or the a8 and some of those classic games have been remade for the ST with various levels of success. If you go back to the 2600 there are quite a few games that immediately pop into your head, such as Centipede, Missile command, Defender, Moon patrol etc. From these on the ST I've only played Centipede and moon patrol. And while Centipede by Sinister absolutely rulez I can't say the same for Andromeda's  Moon Patrol (though to it's credit it has parallax scrolling) . What have you guys played and what was the enjoyment factor?
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Re: Classic atari on the ST.
Reply #1 - 15.10.08 at 21:12:55
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I have to say while I was wowed by the ST when it came out, the quality of games in general was nowhere near as good as on the Atari 8.

The games I remember loving to play are all 8bit titles:

Bruce Lee, Rescue on Fractalus, Blue Max, Mr Do!, International Karate (Archer!), DropZone (Archer!), Bounty Bob Strikes Back, Spellunker, Zone Raider, Encounter (Woaks is God!) and such.

However, some ST games were just so much fun I couldnt put them down, amongst them:

Giana Sisters, Super Sprint, North and South, Star Wars, Flood, Stunt Car Racer and for some obscure reason, Psygnosis' Obliterator (Bugged, but still fun!)  But I think the thing I spent the most time with on the ST was HiSoft's DevPac Smiley

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Re: Classic atari on the ST.
Reply #2 - 15.10.08 at 22:02:51
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8 bit Trailblazer is so great. I really like it. (ST version not are so great.)

(I´m just payed some 8bit mega modules where is MANY 8bit games in (including Blue Max)).
« Last Edit: 15.10.08 at 22:03:52 by Jake-Depression »  
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Re: Classic atari on the ST.
Reply #3 - 16.10.08 at 07:22:36
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Well all I can remember now is the ST conversion of Donkley kong in GFA (Kid Kong). That was really kickass!
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Re: Classic atari on the ST.
Reply #4 - 16.10.08 at 16:54:34
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Indeed! It can be found in the socalled Dave Munsie Collection.  Smiley

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