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Something on TV thats bugged me for a while (Read 1935 times)
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Something on TV thats bugged me for a while
11.03.09 at 03:34:13
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Re: Something on TV thats bugged me for a while
Reply #1 - 11.03.09 at 11:49:04
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Ohhh, Heroes.

First series I thought was amazing, then kind of fizzled out at the end.  2nd series I lost interest in once everyone started getting on the bandwagon.  Heroes this, Heroes that, Heroes, Heroes, Heroes!!  That and I'm fed up of seeing the cheerleader everywhere.  Bitch!  Is younger than me.  So now I don't watch it.

24' was the same.  In the early days it was amazing.  Now it's just commercialised crap.  Jack, president, bomb, cars, planes, shopping malls, nasty bad guys who might turn good, lovely good guys that might turn bad.  Oh HOW BORING!!

Battlestar Gallactica.  Sky constantly messing about with the episode ordering finished it off for me, so now I don't watch it.

All I watch now is Star Trek TNG, and Voyager.  For the 23rd time.  Oh, and South Park.

TV is majorly losing it's appeal.  So are most things.  How about if we just complain about everything instead?   Cheesy  Internet Forums are another thing (not these smaller ones) where you get these people who've never been on the Internet before, and start dishing out marital advice and how-to-rebuild-a-car-engine advice. When a.) they're not married, and b.) they ride a pushbike.  What's that all about?  I've never seen so many experts in one place before.

Next please.
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Re: Something on TV thats bugged me for a while
Reply #2 - 11.03.09 at 11:57:09
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Don't start on Battlestar Galactica or you'll get ChrisTOS on your case Smiley

Personally, I think they screwed it over by rebooting it. It's not fun anymore. When will TV execs realise that politics and religion make an action series SUCK.

BTW, I know nothing about car engines Smiley

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Re: Something on TV thats bugged me for a while
Reply #3 - 11.03.09 at 14:35:59
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Well, it's no secret that the last BSG season pretty much sucks. With the exception of 2-4 episodes.

And Ali, Voyager? I watched it but the interferometric pulses and the most annoying character in the history of television (and possibly in the history of mankind) completely ruined it for me.
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Re: Something on TV thats bugged me for a while
Reply #4 - 11.03.09 at 17:06:38
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Personally, and because I have a small attention span (which is why my WIP is HUGE!), I tend to prefer small series Smiley

Lately I've seen The IT crowd and a few months before that The Snuff box. Funny stuff Smiley

Anyway, anything bigger than 5-6 episodes bores me to tears. I remember seeing about 5 or 6 eipsodes of 24 season 1 in one row. I never saw another!!

Heroes, 24, Lost, BSG, Stargate, House MD, Big bang, countless other series craving for my attention because people around me keep watching them and talking about them. Instead, I choose to lie down, play some games, talk on the internet, post on forums (such as this one), spend time with my girlfriend (when I can Smiley)

And Aly, you KNOW that we'd prefer you instead of that cheerleader in Heroes Smiley (I hope that's not insulting, like I said I've never seen the series!)

(and I'm willing to bet that if you posed like that cheerleader did, a lot of atari people would rather have you for their wallpaper instead of her Wink)
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Re: Something on TV thats bugged me for a while
Reply #5 - 11.03.09 at 19:07:04
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When I'm in range of it, I've tended to catch the Hallmark channel screened series of 'Law and Order' which is a serviceable police and courtroom procedural drama type thing and set in New York. For those people unfamiliar with the format, it is a game of two halves, with the police trying to nick whoever did the crime in the first half, and the legal eagles putting on a courtroom drama in the second instalment.

I've recently had the experience of 'Law and Order UK' which was unsettling. The lawyering bits seem to confirm that the UK is not so much a class-based society, but with all these sleek and smug professionals all coming out of a uniform mould, more of a caste society!  Tongue
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Re: Something on TV thats bugged me for a while
Reply #6 - 11.03.09 at 19:08:26
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Going back to the original post at the head of the thread, we need more 'separated at birth'!  Cool
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Re: Something on TV thats bugged me for a while
Reply #7 - 11.03.09 at 20:13:24
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ggn wrote on 11.03.09 at 17:06:38:
And Aly, you KNOW that we'd prefer you instead of that cheerleader in Heroes Smiley (I hope that's not insulting, like I said I've never seen the series!)

Really?  REALLY?  YAYYYYY.  I love attention.  But seriously though.  No, I was being serious.  No seriously.

Voyager is pretty cardboard really, but I just like them on in the background if I'm honest.   I couldn't honestly watch an episode intently.  DS9 I quite liked in the later episodes, particularly at the risque way that they approached sensitive topics such as racism.  It suddenly became more than just another sci-fi show.  But all of these series I don't have that much interest in if I'm being honest.  I just like them on in the background while working.

Catherine Tate I like.  Very good.  Well, some of the sketches anyway.  The old lady, and the one in the office.

The Fast Show!!!!!!!!  Wasn't, isn't it.  Maybe a bit wooden now, but fond memories of watching that in a roomful of university friends.

Not quite sure what else there is really.
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Re: Something on TV thats bugged me for a while
Reply #8 - 13.03.09 at 04:11:02
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techie_alison wrote on 11.03.09 at 11:49:04:
2nd series I lost interest in once everyone started getting on the bandwagon.

I want Sylar to carry that bunny everywhere now and kill all his victims holy grail style.  That would make up for season 2.

techie_alison wrote on 11.03.09 at 20:13:24:
DS9 I quite liked in the later episodes, particularly at the risque way that they approached sensitive topics such as racism.  It suddenly became more than just another sci-fi show.

I really liked DS9 (well first season excepted)  It became darker, and grittier and lacked the overly optimistic view of all the sweetness humanity had become, and added true grays of morality.

All of which apparently led to it's decline as people preferred the cheerier and more preachy previous ST incarnations at the time.
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