first, thanks for the HD-Patches by D-Buggers, Klaz and all others.

OK, I found a little bug in Stardust on my Falcon.

Stardust runs fine on my 1040 STe, TOS 1.62, 4MB, HD-Driver: Huschi (SCSI-Tools) and on my Mega STE, TOS 2.06, 4MB, HD-Driver:AHDI 6.00. Hi-Score saving is OK.
On my Falcon, TOS 4.04, 14 MB, FPU, RGB ST-Low, HD-Driver: AHDI 6.00, the intro has sound with grafic/sync errors. You can not read the text. After pressing space, the game loads and run. It's OK, you can play it. When the game will save the high-score to disk, it crashed with green screen and DMA sound errors.
OK, thats a beta-relase. Whats the problem: 14 MB? or the FPU?
I will test on my plain Falcon next weekend.
And testing on VGA?