Again one from Terry's amazing blog. This one's an RPG in one screen - no animations, no sound, just managing the stats!
A few tips to get the interested started (or, if you're feeling adventurous dive right in, it's fun figuring stuff out without help!): The screen is divided into parallelograms which may be locked, unlocked, have an "enemy" or be blank (or be unavailable). At first your stats are really low and you have no key, so you want to "attack" the unlocked "enemy-less" boxes. When you do, some numbers start jumping around - roll over the mouse to collect them. Green is experience points, yellow are money and there are yellow and gray keys, which you can use to unlock other boxes. As you gain experience, you level up so you can upgrade your character so it can "attack" "enemies".
And that's probably all you need to know to get started. Never again have I been stuck staring at a minimal screen with numbers for so long :)
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