MadMax2023 wrote on 09.11.09 at 20:23:42:
At end we will see "now to have the password send 50$ to our paypal account"

I hope there will be no joke

i am so impatient! My falcon is waiting for the best cd never made for him


Well, jokes aside, making money out of warez sounds so... erm, how should I put this,
fucking wrong to our ears. I'm 100% certain that D-Bug is definitely NOT in it for the money. We burnt and sent close to 40 lightscribed CDs and sent them out worldwide out of our own money. Even if we made jewelcase covers and other crap (which we opted out due to lack of time and support mostly), the CDs would have been free. Gratis. Τσάμπα.
Clearly, cracking, filing, packing the games, HD fixing them, Falcon patching them, then trying to fit them into 820k disks along with a nice menu and filling the disk to the brim is much more challenging than simply gathering images from different people and merging them into one collection. So I'll never understand why people would like to
pay for that kind of thing. It would have been so easy to add a paypal button in the front of the D-bug pages, and we often joke about it internally. Rest assured though that this will never happen.
Just wanted to clear the air here - please do carry on