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Megafile 30 Info (Read 1320 times)


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Megafile 30 Info
08.12.09 at 15:51:10
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Hi, ive just aquired a Megafile 30 hard disk for my st.  The problem being I have no experince of using a hard disk on my ST.  Theres no documentaion with it or install disks (If there ever was)

It works fine, It appears to have been used for music and general business needs.

When booted up I get drive A, Drive c and drive f.  The guy I bought it of said that there should be more drives visible?  It appears to be full, but where drives d ect are? Theres no trash can either so I cant delete files from c or f.

Anyone have any ideas where I can get documentation on re-formating it, or how I can find what else is on there.  I would like to start afresh If I could.

Help please  Cheesy
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Re: Megafile 30 Info
Reply #1 - 08.12.09 at 18:05:29
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You can made these needet icons using desktop. Click some of these icons (a, c or f) 1 time. Then go in text who is in screen upside and there go in right text. Menu goming on screen. (Not remenber name of text, but there you can made more icons, like needet D and E.)
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Re: Megafile 30 Info
Reply #2 - 08.12.09 at 19:12:42
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Hm not sure if I really understand what your saying, I know how to add new drives, but I think there allready there but just not showing.

Anyway Ive got hold of HDX 5.04 which I belive are Ataris Hard disk utils.  Anyway do people know If I can safely use these to format my Hard Disk.
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Re: Megafile 30 Info
Reply #3 - 08.12.09 at 20:28:35
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Hi there,

Latest AHDI version can be found here:

I'd use that if I were to use Atari's utils. But personally I'd use the ICD Pro utils (, as it's a much better suite of programs.

As for the missing trashcan, well, you can try finding DESKTOP.INF on C and renaming it to anything else (for example DESKTOP.INX) and rebooting.

Hope this helps. If you have more questions, feel free to ask!
« Last Edit: 08.12.09 at 21:40:39 by ggn »  
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Re: Megafile 30 Info
Reply #4 - 08.12.09 at 21:05:50
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In your firs post it look like you ask how found these drives. You dont say you are already try made these icons and they still not work... Anyway, if icons are there but not show, they are mayby under other icons?
But if you  think they are hidden (mayby because desktop is get wrong), easy one is really delete desktop and make these icons again then.
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Re: Megafile 30 Info
Reply #5 - 09.12.09 at 06:56:26
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don't forget when you add an icon that it's case sensitive - e.g. lowercase 'c' is the cartridge, uppercase 'C' is first 'harddisk' partition ...
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Re: Megafile 30 Info
Reply #6 - 09.12.09 at 14:42:35
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As for the missing trashcan, well, you can try finding DESKTOP.INF on C and renaming it to anything else (for example DESKTOP.INX) and rebooting.

Thanks this has sorted the trashcan problem out.

don't forget when you add an icon that it's case sensitive

That explains another problem I was having.

So im now sorted.  Now to transfer over some of your hard disk games.  Cheers guys.
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