CJ wrote on 06.12.07 at 20:43:02:
Hi Saviour,
Sorry you are having problems with Golden Axe - unfortunatly none of us can recreate your problem on any of our Falcons (We have access to 6 different Falcons, with various memory/CPU/HD driver options)
So, unfortunatly, I don't think we can help with that right now - are you *sure* you don't load anything strange from AUTO?
Hey CJ!
No i do a clean boot *everytime* i start my Falcon otherwise it will start MagiC automatically!

Anyway, i got good news. I found the problem: It was not your work ggn, i am really sorry for that! It seemed to went corrupted when copying from my PC onto my Falcon (via 1.44MB Floppy). After everthing failed, i deleted the file on my Falcon and re-copied it...and now it works fine...
Hm, seems either my PC Floppy or my Falcon Floppy has some strange issues.
Guys, thanks for your help! I am so sorry that i posted a problem that wasnīt your fault!
Great work, next time i will be more careful.
Happy Santa-Clause-day (or what is it called in UK? In Germany itīs "Nikolaustag".) for you and your family for *every* D-Bug Member (I think the marvellous work of Dubmood needs also to be mentioned!).
I am really glad to have such powerful, competent and kind Users in the Atari Community! Have fun!
Best regards, Saviour
P.S.: Fire & Brimstone for the 7th! Great!!! And it even works!