We very rarely use these, if at all. The procedure has however been discussed. There are NO RULES to be broken, or ANY procedures to be followed. If you are deemed to be being cruel and deliberately unpleasant then you'll be banned. Periods are for 7-days, 14-days, 28-days, and then you'll be blocked completely.
Wow. I see it starts at 7 days and moves up. I always thought it started at permanent and then got swept under the carpet. Oh well.
They also need to add "if you are having an ammusing bit of banter with another member" to the "cruel and deliberatly unpleasant" line. And then a subpoint saying only one side of said banter will be banned even if said banter is a rebuttal of abuse aimed at banteree. (because being a member of AtariLegend gives you immunity) - Aha! I see the section of NO RULES coming into play here. So NO RULES and NO PROCEDURES. Right, perfect sense there. Err... Anarchy, anyone?
Funny, I think RetrogamerUK fell into the "cruel and deliberatly unpleasant" section - however he drives "the fat one" around so he couldnt possibly do anything to fix that.
Oh, and Aly - May I add "Dubmood" to your list of people to look into? The wise "powers that be" banned him with no posts made just because he had a D-Bug tag. I do, however, realise this was before your time, when the forum was ruled by evil overlords who, to this day, still never show up but yet people still believe in them. Sounds like a cult to me. Did I spell that right? I'll have to ask Shw

In fact let me take a minute to re-draft that text for Mug. I know his job is text checking but he seems to have made a pigs arse of that.
We very rarely use these, if at all except when a global admin feels like it, even though said global admin doesn't actually read the forum or visit it very often. The procedure has however been discussed, but we couldn't think of anything good to write so there are NO RULES to be broken, or ANY procedures to be followed, allowing us to ban and kick at will anyone we feel at any time (as is our right as admins). If you are deemed to be being cruel and deliberately unpleasant then you'll be banned unless your a personal friend of an admin, or a member of Atari Legend, in which case we'll turn a blind eye. Periods are for 7-days, 14-days, 28-days, and then you'll be blocked completely infinity.
The proof reading is free of charge.

We're all allowed to rant.

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