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 10 Chaos Engine (Read 2607 times)


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Chaos Engine
29.10.08 at 20:50:27
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Hi guys,

I tried CE today and it doesn't work for me Sad I see logo but when music should start, the soundtrack gets corrupted and game crashes...

I tried plain ST version, caches&16 mhz on/off, just pure ctrl boot into tos 4.04...
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Re: Chaos Engine
Reply #1 - 29.10.08 at 21:27:51
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mikro wrote on 29.10.08 at 20:50:27:
Hi guys,

I tried CE today and it doesn't work for me Sad I see logo but when music should start, the soundtrack gets corrupted and game crashes...

I tried plain ST version, caches&16 mhz on/off, just pure ctrl boot into tos 4.04...

Do you refer to the intro? You can skip it if it crashes there.

Very weird though. Maybe re-download the archive or re-transfer the files to your Falcon?

Awaiting for your reply....
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Re: Chaos Engine
Reply #2 - 30.10.08 at 22:03:24
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hi there,

1. no, download is 100% ok -- it's zip after all, no corruption possible without notice

2. yes, when i skip intro, game continues...

3. ... into some kind of "interlace", it looks really funny. when i don't activate cache/16mhz, it looks a bit better but it's still here. this effect disappears in the main game but i see jerky line in the bottom panel

4. that game kills everything in my falcon Wink I press hard reset and harddisk is not found anymore! i have to switch off (!!!) the machine. wow. Wink
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Re: Chaos Engine
Reply #3 - 31.10.08 at 09:15:42
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mikro wrote on 30.10.08 at 22:03:24:
3. ... into some kind of "interlace", it looks really funny. when i don't activate cache/16mhz, it looks a bit better but it's still here. this effect disappears in the main game but i see jerky line in the bottom panel

Hmm, that should be the bitplane shifting. I thought I fixed that one. I'll take another look over the weekend and will let you know Smiley
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Re: Chaos Engine
Reply #4 - 02.11.08 at 09:37:34
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Hi Mikro (and anyone else experiencing this problem).

I built 3 different loaders for you to try out (skip the intro please).

Awaiting for your reply! (God I sometimes wish there was an inexpensive way for people sending their machines over for testing!)

[EDIT] Attatchments deleted from this post, as they didn't work
« Last Edit: 07.11.08 at 22:44:07 by ggn »  
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Re: Chaos Engine
Reply #5 - 06.11.08 at 23:20:57
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He ggn,

sorry to keep you waiting so long. Not good news after all: all three versions lock in the intro screen :/
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Re: Chaos Engine
Reply #6 - 07.11.08 at 07:28:30
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mikro wrote on 06.11.08 at 23:20:57:
He ggn,

sorry to keep you waiting so long. Not good news after all: all three versions lock in the intro screen :/

Hmmm ok, did you try skipping the intro?
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Re: Chaos Engine
Reply #7 - 07.11.08 at 18:14:14
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we don't understand each other -- intro screen with dbug logo, crack info and music Wink
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Re: Chaos Engine
Reply #8 - 07.11.08 at 22:42:23
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Well, my intro, the Bitmaps' intro, what's the difference eh? Wink (although my intro is very easily skippable Smiley)

Anyway, sorry for the cock-up, here's the proper versions of the loader (tested this time Smiley)

(I would bet my money on mikro2, but I'll let you find out for yourself...)

Mikro1v2.prg ( 18 KB | Downloads )
Mikro2v2.prg ( 18 KB | Downloads )
Mikro3v2.prg ( 18 KB | Downloads )
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Re: Chaos Engine
Reply #9 - 20.11.08 at 16:36:42
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ggn wrote on 07.11.08 at 22:42:23:
(I would bet my money on mikro2, but I'll let you find out for yourself...)

Bet in what sense? This version is the worst one Wink v1 and v3 seems to be working from the beginning (no "interlace") but when second loading appears, interlace is here again. v2 -- totally messed up bitplanes.

Sorry for delay, I'd like to tell you more positive news..
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Re: Chaos Engine
Reply #10 - 20.11.08 at 18:20:59
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Hi there,

Some techincal info follows...

Does the game looks something like the attached pic? If I understood correctly so far, I would guess so. So let me quote master Paranoid's highly authorative STE FAQ here:

? So now i fixed it and it works fine on the STE, but often enough,
 bitplanes are screwed up on the Falcon. Why ?
! Remember that the Falcon only allows screen addresses as multiples
 of 4, which is not as flexible as on the STE, where it only has to
 be a multiple of 2. This is also the case for the Video Counter
 Registerts, not only for the Video Base Address.
 Make sure that your screen data is stored on an address that is
 a multiple of 4 and it will work.

Guessed it yet?

When I tried Chaos engine on the Falcon, I got a screen like the attached one (which I assume is the one you're getting). It took me quite a long time to figure out, but in the end I just aligned the screen buffer in a multiple of 4 and it all worked. I even sent it to my usual testers and all gave me the green light. Great, I thought, release time!

Then you mentioned the problem on your falcon. Which is kinda puzzling I must confess! The only thing I could come up with is that for some reason your Falcon isn't aligning the video base address properly, so I assembled 3 versions, first aligned to 4 bytes, second on first +2, and third on address +4. I thought that at least one of those would work out for you...

So if this is what you're seeing then I have to admit that I'm at the end of my wits here  Undecided. The only possible suggestion I can come up with would be to try from alt-boot and load it from floppy. Any exotic hardware installed on your falcon? (mine has a ct63, no problems).

What's your Falcon doing around Outline time? Wink

If you're experiencing something else than what I described, then I'd like to hear about it.
« Last Edit: 20.11.08 at 18:22:17 by ggn »  

Steem__098.png ( 42 KB | Downloads )
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Re: Chaos Engine
Reply #11 - 20.11.08 at 22:35:29
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Hi again,

wait wait Smiley I probably didn't write it very clear (what a surprise Smiley -- the v1 and v3 DON'T look like your attached picture (they are just "interlaced".... hey now I got it! You meant interlaced in the another way than me =)) but v2 DOES.

OK, so what I mean under 'interlace' -- interlace like on 8bit demos, like on ST demos when you want to enhance screen resolution. Or Falcon's 400 lines per screen on TV Smiley This is how looks released version, v1 and v3. v2 is screwed with bitplanes but this is understandable because you aligned it on +2.

So, summary: we didn't solved anything, we just didn't understand each other and you can start from the beginning Wink

Around Outline I will hopefully be ... at Outline Wink
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Re: Chaos Engine
Reply #12 - 21.11.08 at 06:09:22
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Hey, that's great! My sanity just returned Smiley. So we are simply talking about wrong videl resolution setup!

Okay, I'll try to see what clobbers the videl. Or maybe try another set of 320x200x4bpp@60hz values...

Anyway, we're back on track!
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Re: Chaos Engine
Reply #13 - 03.12.08 at 16:30:38
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Hm, do you think it's videl values? For me it's like bad setting of TimerB, sometimes it start on scanline 1, sometimes on scanline 0... btw I'm using vga if I didn't mention it earlier..
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