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 25 Online games (and whatnot)! (Read 33955 times)
Heavy Stylus

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #180 - 08.01.11 at 21:49:59
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Cat Astro Phi

Had me hooked from the start!  Super game.

« Last Edit: 08.01.11 at 21:50:59 by Heavy Stylus »
The Essential Discmag for Retro Gamers!
Usual myspace crap.
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #181 - 11.01.11 at 21:18:45
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Heavy Stylus wrote on 08.01.11 at 21:49:59:

Nah, that annoyed me really...
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #182 - 11.01.11 at 21:34:57
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Mother robot

Another Ludum dare came and went. Theme this time was: Discovery. I took a look at some of the online games today (from the top 20 entries, not enough time to check out everything!) and I'll look at some offline stuff tomorrow.

Anyway, off we go with a real fresh and brilliant concept! It's a platform game!!!!!!!

But wait, there's more!

You are this lovely pixelly robot that jumps around some dungeon or something. Only, you can't walk where there's no light, you then explode. You have a beam that you can rotate around yourself. If this touches another light source, then a disc of light instantly surrounds you. There are unlit and lit sources, and you can touch either of them for some light. The goal is to move from one light source to the next (which is unlit). When you touch an unlit source, it becomes a checkpoint, and occasionally you get another robot. What happens then is that you can control both robots and in addition with the robot's beam touching a light source, having a robot's beam touch another robot that's currently lit generates light as well. Oh yeah, only the original robot (or mother robot, geddit?) can activate a light source, which makes for some very devious level design.

....eeerrrr right that must read dead confusing (and some dirtier minds should have even worse thoughts right now Smiley). It's a really awesome concept though, fits right with the compo's theme, and you should really try it out because it rules!

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #183 - 11.01.11 at 21:42:05
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Attack of the time travelling pygmy from outer paleolithic (aka Time Pygmy)

So here's this paleolithic guy getting sucked into a time traveling tunnel and ending up in the modern era. He runs around trashing things, jumping into stuff, and learning about the modern world. Trophy/achievements nutters will fall in love with this! As you see in the screenshots below, the trophies' names awarded are ludicrously fun. And since you're on a time limit, you have to hurry up, which makes for frantic gameplay!

Lots of nice ideas stuffed into this. Incredible work! (ranked #1 in the compo too Smiley)

(btw, apologies, my reviews today come out really crap, just try the games, yeah?)

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #184 - 11.01.11 at 21:45:50
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Grand Mystic Quest of Discovery

Right, here's another platformer! (hehe sorry, it's the way the tabs are open in my browser, honest Tongue)

This one's a more traditional one though, reminding of all those flip-screen platformers of the 80s. Borrows some elements from Solomon's key (at least up to where I played it, from what I gather there are 3 other abilities to get which possibly change the gameplay). Cute game!

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #185 - 11.01.11 at 21:59:09
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Where am I

Another simple concept, it's a maze game where the walls aren't shown. Which would be simple enough, except that the walls are tagged with a colour. If you touch a wall, then only itself and the tiles marked with the same colour light up (and a distinct sound plays). So you need to move along and touch other parts of the maze to reveal the rest of the map. Of course you need to keep this in your mind because as soon as you leave the wall, everything goes dark again. Twisted!

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #186 - 12.01.11 at 17:03:22
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Land of Fodnal

This is like a mini Civilisation. Explore the land, build troops, defend yourself from the enemies and generally have fun Smiley

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #187 - 12.01.11 at 19:26:23
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ggn wrote on 11.01.11 at 21:45:50:
Grand Mystic Quest of Discovery

Right, here's another platformer! (hehe sorry, it's the way the tabs are open in my browser, honest Tongue)

This one's a more traditional one though, reminding of all those flip-screen platformers of the 80s. Borrows some elements from Solomon's key (at least up to where I played it, from what I gather there are 3 other abilities to get which possibly change the gameplay). Cute game!

The graphics look much C64 alike. Is this a port/remake of some older game?

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #188 - 12.01.11 at 19:59:50
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simonsunnyboy wrote on 12.01.11 at 19:26:23:
ggn wrote on 11.01.11 at 21:45:50:
Grand Mystic Quest of Discovery

Right, here's another platformer! (hehe sorry, it's the way the tabs are open in my browser, honest Tongue)

This one's a more traditional one though, reminding of all those flip-screen platformers of the 80s. Borrows some elements from Solomon's key (at least up to where I played it, from what I gather there are 3 other abilities to get which possibly change the gameplay). Cute game!

The graphics look much C64 alike. Is this a port/remake of some older game?

Nope, that's hardly what Ludum Dare is all about (create a themed game in 48 hours). And the game's page verifies this:
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #189 - 14.01.11 at 01:54:27
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ggn wrote on 12.01.11 at 17:03:22:
Land of Fodnal

Played that for over 3 hours - probably lots more Smiley


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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #190 - 16.01.11 at 08:23:13
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Give up robot 2

Sequels suck, don't they?

Gfx seem spiced up, more fx, more story, but hey, it's the same grappling hook fun as the first one, even some new features (like dragging missiles with the hook to designated areas so they explode!), so dig in!

« Last Edit: 16.01.11 at 08:25:19 by ggn »  
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #191 - 17.01.11 at 18:55:36
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Jetpack Hero

< ggn > - haha, brutal!
< sh3-rg > OH YES!
< sh3-rg > SUPER FLY JETPAC!
< sh3-rg > with a hint of canabalt
< sh3-rg > lovely Smiley
< ggn > yeah Smiley
< sh3-rg > it's nowhere near as fun as canabalt or superfly, but it's interesting
< sh3-rg > I think the gameplay needs a little adjustment
< sh3-rg > or maybe not...
< sh3-rg > but it seems too random
< sh3-rg > (brids)
< ggn > yeah
< sh3-rg > birds
< ggn > but it's fun
< ggn > maybe if the birds moved slower
< sh3-rg > there's something just not quite right
< ggn > well, when you press space you get a full burst of the jetpac
< ggn > that makes it a bit uncontrollable
< ggn > if you, say, only want half the boost, you just can't have it
< sh3-rg > yep, it needs to kick in, rather than jus tON/OFF


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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #192 - 22.01.11 at 22:33:08
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Just close your eyes

Here's another game done in Unity (yes, I can't stop thinking that it's awesome compared to Flash, then again what isn't? Tongue). Basically it's an FPS with a lot of emphasis given on sound: The town you live in is ridden with ghosts and you only have limited protection from them. The radio you carry emits a very strong noise when ghosts are around, and the only way to counter it is to do what the game's title says. Of course the ghosts won't just go away after a period of time, so you have to stumble in the dark until the radio lowers the noise levels again. And then you open your eyes and might end up in the water drowning, or if you're lucky, at some part of the town.

A very neat idea, reminded me of Radio Silence, and I totally dug the rendering style and sound.
« Last Edit: 22.01.11 at 22:40:25 by ggn »  

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #193 - 28.01.11 at 18:00:50
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Warning foregone

Warning forever in flash? With smaller, pixelly graphics? And it actually plays well?  Smiley  Smiley

(this one's for ChrisTOS, one of the rare times I find a proper shemup in Flash Tongue)


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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #194 - 28.01.11 at 18:06:42
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Corporate climber

What's this, another platform game? With tongue-in-cheek humour and trying to containt a critique of modern life anxieties in big corporations? (oh and it kind of reminds me of elevator action or spy's demise Smiley)

Eh, whatever, as far as I'm concerned they can keep the philosophical bit for themselves, I enjoyed it for the graphics and mechanics!

« Last Edit: 28.01.11 at 18:07:37 by ggn »  
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #195 - 30.01.11 at 01:25:36
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ggn wrote on 28.01.11 at 18:00:50:
Warning foregone

Warning forever in flash? With smaller, pixelly graphics? And it actually plays well?  Smiley  Smiley

(this one's for ChrisTOS, one of the rare times I find a proper shemup in Flash Tongue)

Yeah, it's smooth. It's also crap! I prefer P1 a lot more.
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #196 - 31.01.11 at 20:27:50
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haha, it must suck Tongue

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #197 - 01.02.11 at 04:52:00
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I said that on IRC Tongue

And then I played it. And yes it did.

"With only one button, even drooling fucktards like Kizza can play our game!"
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #198 - 01.02.11 at 17:29:08
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No it doesn't. It's just Chris being snobby at online games as usual!

Oh well, whatever gets you to play it Tongue
« Last Edit: 01.02.11 at 18:11:50 by ggn »  
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #199 - 25.02.11 at 18:46:29
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Pro killer man

A nice whatnot - top down game which makes you find your target amongst the crowd and shoot him/her dead. Just watch out for the cops and the henchmen. Use the innocents for cover!
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #200 - 25.02.11 at 20:16:52
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Sugar, sugar

"Instantly playable" and "instantly enjoyable" are 2 phrases I've come to expect with Bart Bonte games. Simple and fun games, easy to pick up and play. This one reminded me of Eko's H2O (which in turn sort of reminded me of Lemmings) i.e. try to pour particles into designated areas by drawing walls, etc. I haven't finished it yet, but there are a few twists in the original gameplay, but I expect well thought out stuff as usual. Dig in!
« Last Edit: 25.02.11 at 20:20:44 by ggn »  

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #201 - 03.04.11 at 10:24:17
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Space is key

Okay, the screenshot totally doesn't do it justice!

To keep this short, it's another one-button-game where you control a small box jumping over hurdles. The screen is split in 3 horizontal bars, so you get 3 challenges per screen. When you die (and you do that a LOT) you respawn at the start of the current challenge. Immediately. So you must keep on your toes. The game isn't that big, but the real challenge is to finish it without dying too much Smiley. Graphics are minimal, music is awful, but the game is very addictive. Just try it!

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #202 - 17.04.11 at 17:57:29
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Skate race

Heh, synchronicity or what? Sort of a tie-in with our recently released Downfall, here's a two player variant of the same idea. You need to fall faster than the other player (AI) and collect stuff and powerups along the way as well. It would certainly be fun with 2 real life players Smiley

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #203 - 19.04.11 at 19:55:32
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Gotta love Nitrome, every game they release they find a new way to show their logo on screen, most of the times using the game's mechanic! Always makes me smile Smiley.

Anyway, onto the game itself: you have an ugly sprite that has a drill attached to its head, and you can walk around a planet and chop off pieces of it in stripes. What's left of the planet is then stitched together. There are some enemies and other stuff to avoid, which makes it a fun little game.

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #204 - 29.04.11 at 17:18:13
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Not much to say, another relatively easy point'n'clicker with cute gfx and sound (also the puzzles are fun!)
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #205 - 01.05.11 at 15:57:38
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Just for the record, I think I know the guy who did Cat-Astro-Phi. Tongue (And Pro Killer man too. Smiley )
« Last Edit: 01.05.11 at 16:03:36 by MitchFrenzal »  
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #206 - 08.05.11 at 06:36:46
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Appy 1000mg - deepnight

Another Ludum dare 48 hours challenge happened last week. 352 entries this time, and I really start thinking about participating in the next one (besides, it'd be massively cool if there was an entry that ran only on Atari there Smiley). This time the theme was "It’s Dangerous to go Alone! Take this!", so lots of games with easily guessable titles Smiley. Also, powerups!

Anyway, here are a few pickings that caught my eye, starting with this:

I only had a brief play so far, but it just looks so damn cool! It's a standard platformer with powerups hidden in various corners of the map, so you have to get a specific powerup in order to be able to explore the rest of the map. Check it out, if only for the way it draws the gfx Smiley
« Last Edit: 08.05.11 at 06:42:31 by ggn »  
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #207 - 08.05.11 at 06:41:50
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Danger! Take.

Very nice idea. Each screen you have to select between 2 pickups depending on the position you are. You either have to defend yourself or attack. Cute!

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #208 - 08.05.11 at 06:57:35
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Right, after wandering around at the beginning without knowing what to do, I had a look at the competition entry notes, and realized a couple of things I suspected. Firstly, as per the instructions, you have to collect all 4 photos scattered in the map. But you soon notice that your energy bar is decreasing. Then you might notice that it recharges when you're around people. But, stick close to them too much and something that looks like skulls accumulates above your energy bar. Get 4 of those and you're dead. Also you can drop your aura and you can use that to recharge your energy, without the need for people. But you have to collect some pictures first.

Lovely gfx, interesting gameplay once you get the hang of it.

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #209 - 08.05.11 at 07:10:23
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Venture in a cave with the aid of your trusty torch. But look out, as evil bats want to steal it from you, and you can't really make it without it - your sanity goes out to vacation in a short time! So, tread carefully and have fun Smiley
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