Hi there.. 'Tis Qube!
This is the game:
Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge...
Hacked and Cracked by yours truly.
In reply to your email, it was already filed however there was a random (well, deliberate to be fair!) access to a sector on the disk and this was loaded at $60000.
This version includes this file that wasn't a file i dont think?
Its HD runnable from any folder and runs in 512k (In sTeem anyhow)
Sorry for the max ramblings but I gotta get this down in one go lol before I forget!
Nearly ALL versions require it to be on floppy disk. most versions require the disk to be a specific format an some versions even run in 1meg? and nearly all 'jmp' the prot and the sector load.
Im in no way an expert at 68000 assembly and only have a limited knowledge on cracking games. I would like some info on sectored disks though, because although i can get the sectors into files i can't reload them without trashing MonST or the system itself

This was done on a real STF because i actually own the game and didnt want to use a real game that cost £5 lol.
I need to learn from the best ... i.e you guys

on sectored disks if u have the time?
If you really need the source material and the other 'versions' i did or some info on HOW (Just to prove its not a ripped off crack) let me know i'll email them
Ta for now, Qubez - over and out