a1exh wrote on 16.02.08 at 10:04:07:
They weren't unfriendly. It was a (perhaps failed) attempt at constructive criticism.
It wasn't failed ! I used the term nonogram all over the website to avoid "picross" copyright, and we tried to implement small eyecandies (animated transition screens, various backgrounds) to get the game visually entertaining. But we focused more on the gameplay of the title, as it's a puzzle game and we didn't want to distract the player who will have to think about what he's doing.
a1exh wrote on 16.02.08 at 10:04:07:
If he was writing a new game concept from scratch I would agree, but this appears to be a standard nonogram game. The gameplay is already defined. (Unless they think up something new).
Here I don't agree. There will be several mode (keeped secret for now). We HAD TO think about the gameplay, and his ST adaptation : size of the grids, 1 or 2 players, cooperating or competitive, timing counter, penalties, games modes, controls, difficulty level, progressive mode...
To give you an example a grid editor will be also released. Players will be able to design their grids and play them

There will be also extra grids pack released...
We start to think about a way to publish players grids (probably on the
http://picrossst.free.fr/ website).
Also, to enhance de "living length" of the title we implemented... something (keep your secret secret they say).
Anyway, reaching grid number 100 will unlock special modes

Also a lot of work has been made about difficulty. The main problem is that nongram is not a game known by evryone. We wanted to produce something challenging but dont repulse newbies. An complexity algorith has been made to evaluate each grid in order to sort the puzzles. Also the grids has been tested in a solver to doublecheck complexity.
PicrossST wasn't made like "let's do a mario's picross on st". We thought it from scratch. We used google docs to produce the specs (design document). One the game will be complete we might publish the document (it's written in french but, hey, nobody's perfect

) .
Furthermore picrossSt is a team project, it has been discussed a lot. Please, don't use "he" but "them".

a1exh wrote on 16.02.08 at 10:04:07:
They werent rude. I just was hopeful that the authors would make the game unique in someway to the Atari ST.
Here I agree. But they were kind of "direct" (sorry my english sucks). Dont panic ! The team wasn't shocked. We listen evry feedback on the forums and examine them.
Otherwise, what would be the purpose of announcing the project on forums ?

We could do the thing, released it , end of the story. We decided to "test" the atari brotherhood to make the game the better we could. So any feedback ( even unpleasant - which wasn't yours -) is welcome.
ggn wrote on 23.01.08 at 11:32:54:
Well, I suggest you leave a message on
http://bbs.dhs.nu/tracking/ and
http://bbs.dhs.nu/scene/, there are LOTS of musicians around that will be willing to help

Firstly: Chris, if you ever again go as far as to suggest something like that, you'll get a severe arse kicking

(or even worse, I'll give you the disassembled source of the game and
force you to fix it yourself

As usual I have a Falcon, a MSTE and a TT up and running, so if you're out of machines to test then feel free to contact me!
The urls you suggested did great. Marcer and Starbuck will maybe create tunes for us ! It's a good piece of news because we start to foresee a release date (something about end of march begining of april, more or less few weeks). It would be a shame to release a mute game or to use a tune without permission.
Some german translation are to do, few bugs here and there to correct, but the game is yet fully playable. Another version, a championship edition for a french atari convention, is also on tracks. There will be a picrossST championship with prizes for the best players at the end of the event

The website has evolved too. there is now a rss feed for those who want to have real time news.
For the test, evry help is welcome ! I'll send you a mail when the first stable version will be compiled. And, why not, if we didn't manage to produce a flacon/TT/MegaSTE compatible version, maybe, can we hope to count on d-bug expertise ?