so, guys: Letīs turn it around.
Iīd love to contribute to a megademo. Unfortunally i was in the last years mainly "off-the-Scene" due to job tasks...

Iīm looking for a coder and i got an idea for a mainmenu.
The idea:
The mainmenu looks like a navigation system. Not the ones of today, but a navigation system for the solar system.
The look is a mixture of an old transistor radio and a child drawing pad. With two handels to draw. One handle draws vertical lines and one handle to draw horizontal lines. I am lacking the english and the german word is "Zauber-Mal-Tafel". Damn it!
I did a sketch to visualize my idea and a first *.IFF file with rasters.
Any coder interested?
technical: (As far as a grfx man can guess....

-contains rasters
-control of the selector and two handels (animation)
-varying logos and therefore varying rasters
-removement of the lower border would be cool to get a little more space for the handels
could be done in gfa, as the technical is sooooo basic.

(1.) First third of the screen is the selector.
A first version of the selector is in the attachment. The purple stuff in the middle is supposed to contain a starfild/galaxy ...whatever. A star represents a demo. The stars / demos can be chosen by turning the handles in the last thrird of the screen. Turn left handle to move horizontally. Turn right handle to move the vertically.
(2.) Second thrid is the display of the "found/located" star/crew in the solar system. Any crew can enter an own logo (with restricted coloros) -i.e. any palette exept =black plus 3 fixed colors for the frame around the logo.
(3.) The last third is the part with the handles to move the selector.
round handels/modulators for the selection within the (upper) starfield...
Just have a look at my attachments.
Is anyone by now not totally confused?
!! Sorry the pic is hell toooo big !!