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 25 Online games (and whatnot)! (Read 33903 times)
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #30 - 09.03.10 at 11:55:27
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Crow in hell

Guide the crow in a nest of caverns. Nice atmosphere on this.
« Last Edit: 16.03.10 at 22:36:27 by ggn »  

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #31 - 09.03.10 at 12:46:17
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Factory balls

Very very very very very very clever game involving painting balls Smiley. Essentially you take a ball and use different paints and stencils to match the one the game displays.
« Last Edit: 16.03.10 at 22:37:58 by ggn »  

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #32 - 10.03.10 at 11:11:27
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How do you know that when you stop looking at something, it's still there? What if it's not lit? Is the universe conspiring against you? Do you trust your senses? Using these concepts, a very original and clever game has been created. Definitely gives the platform genre some fresh ideas!
« Last Edit: 16.03.10 at 22:39:10 by ggn »  

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #33 - 14.03.10 at 00:37:55
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ggn wrote on 09.03.10 at 11:01:58:
Coign of vantage

2d images encoded in 3d space. Move the mouse around to rotate the pixels so the images will assemble on screen! Sounds weird but it's quite fun!

Best I've played in a while - really good fun & not too taxing Wink

Keep them coming, my favourite thread on the site!

Factory balls & Closure - both excellent games as well.
« Last Edit: 14.03.10 at 00:55:41 by sh3-rg »  

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #34 - 14.03.10 at 08:40:26
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Just another run-of-the-mill flip-screen-platform-jump-collect-all-diamonds game? Well...

  • The main sprite animation is cute!
  • Background and tiles are well pixelled as well
  • The world is very nicely laid out
  • The puzzles are also very nice (well a few gems are frustrating to get, but thankfully you can complete the game without having to collect them all)
  • Another neat feature: Keep collecting diamonds and the background tiles start to get trashed - a sort of the world deteriorating - and the music starts getting detuned.

All in all, a game with solid gameplay, nice presentation and almost no gimmicks - not much more to ask I think Smiley

« Last Edit: 05.12.10 at 11:51:17 by ggn »  
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #35 - 14.03.10 at 10:29:03
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ggn wrote on 14.03.10 at 08:40:26:
All in all, a game with solid gameplay, nice presentation and almost no gimmicks - not much more to ask I think Smiley

Very good stuff. This should be shown to anyone who made a platformer & got it all horribly wrong (ie 99% of them). I've not played a game for a while where I even considered making a map for it as I used to do when I was a kid Wink

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Heavy Stylus

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #36 - 16.03.10 at 09:00:14
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Would be nice if you could add some screenshots here mate - I can't check these out at work. Sad
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #37 - 16.03.10 at 09:50:41
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This isn't so much an online game, but rather a 'whatnot' Wink

This little game by one of my favourite PC developers was released on the weekend (in both PC and XBOX360 flavours).  It's a short, fixed length shooter that dynamically changes difficulty depending on how well you play, and no game ever plays exactly the same.  Considering it's a one man effort, the music, visuals and game mechanics are all really high quality.

Quite inspirational design, and great fun too Smiley

Well worth the £4 or whatever it costs.

« Last Edit: 16.03.10 at 09:53:53 by Heavy Stylus »
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #38 - 16.03.10 at 14:21:26
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Heavy Stylus wrote on 16.03.10 at 09:00:14:
Would be nice if you could add some screenshots here mate - I can't check these out at work. Sad

I'll try to mate!
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #39 - 16.03.10 at 22:40:03
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Added some screenies for my mate James - will do more tomorrow!
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #40 - 17.03.10 at 07:17:12
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Droplet 2

A cheery well pixelled game! It involves your sprite getting from the top of the map to the bottom as quickly as possible and collecting as much heart icons as it can. The introduction of platforms and enemies makes this challenging and fun.

Interesting tidbits: The makers are called "Team Photon Storm", and in their intro animation you get a black screen writing that and a buzztone playing in the background - all references to Yak's Photon Storm I assume Wink. Also, one level's name reminds of the uber weapon name in Xenon 2! Finally, you get a collectable the same shape as a CX-40!
« Last Edit: 19.03.10 at 20:46:41 by ggn »  

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #41 - 17.03.10 at 08:09:19
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Heavy Stylus wrote on 16.03.10 at 09:50:41:
This isn't so much an online game, but rather a 'whatnot' Wink

This little game by one of my favourite PC developers was released on the weekend (in both PC and XBOX360 flavours).  It's a short, fixed length shooter that dynamically changes difficulty depending on how well you play, and no game ever plays exactly the same.  Considering it's a one man effort, the music, visuals and game mechanics are all really high quality.

Quite inspirational design, and great fun too Smiley

Well worth the £4 or whatever it costs.

Colour me impressed! Will prolly buy it at some point!
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #42 - 17.03.10 at 14:10:32
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ggn wrote on 17.03.10 at 07:17:12:
Droplet 2

A cheery well pixelled game! It involves your sprite getting from the top of the map to the bottom as quickly as possible and collecting as much heart icons as it can. The introduction of platforms and enemies makes this challenging and fun.

Interesting tidbits: The makers are called "Team Photon", and in their intro animation you get a black screen writing that and a buzztone playing in the background - all references to Yak's Photon Storm I assume Wink. Also, one level's name reminds of the uber weapon name in Xenon 2!

This looks fucking gorgeous!  I'll be ripping this later Smiley
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #43 - 18.03.10 at 08:37:27
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"What's this?" you ask? Did RGCD do a flash version of their cool STE game (R0x)?

Nope, the name is all these 2 games share. There isn't a really easy way to describe this game. What it does basically is taking shapes (be them letters, geometric primitives, and generally just about any icon we use) and does a slit scan of them, i.e. it shows only one horizontal line per frame. Sounds difficult? It's not too much really. Up to level 50 everything's fair and square. After that it gets nasty!

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #44 - 18.03.10 at 08:45:33
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Karoshi series

Can't understand how these slipped my mind so far, oh well better late than never!

It's the platformer that I suppose most people into gaming wished they would have coded! The idea is very simple (and brilliant): you get your static screen platformer with all obstacles, switches, weird timings etc, but instead of guiding the character to the end point, instead you have to find a way to kill him Smiley. Of course, after this novelty wears out you're left with a platformer with just slightly different goals. But the levels design more than make up for it, and on later levels you need to think out of the box to solve them.

The graphics and sound are pretty basic (deliberately I remember reading somewhere), but the game mechanics are pretty damn solid, and that's the game's major strength.

All in all - recommended!

Karoshi suicide salaryman:
Super Karoshi:
The creator's website (contains some offline versions):

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #45 - 18.03.10 at 09:01:20
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I fell in love with the majesty of colors

You play a sea monster thinghy which in essence tries to make contact with the outside world. Your actions have severe consequences to the storyline, and there are lots of different minigames depending on how you choose to play it.

Artsy-fartsy? Emo? Sensitive? Dunno. I liked the pixel art and the narrative (as well as the game in itself) so here you go.

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #46 - 18.03.10 at 09:42:24
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Dangeresque - Roomisode 1: Behind the Dangeresque

A wacky point'n'click text adventure game from the Home Star Runner guys, involving Strong Bad from his made up films, Dangeresque (, Fun!

« Last Edit: 18.03.10 at 09:53:02 by ggn »  
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #47 - 18.03.10 at 10:00:00
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The Hoshi Saga series

Absolutely brilliant series of games! You get a set of screens in which you have to discover a hidden star on each by clicking the mouse or dragging here and there. Brilliant animations and lots of out-of-the box thinking makes these games unique! Personally I wish I could un-play them so I could feel the excitement of playing them as a new game Smiley

« Last Edit: 21.04.10 at 20:51:54 by ggn »  
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #48 - 19.03.10 at 10:39:35
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"A short, indie, adventure shooter" the title screen says. "Uh-oh!" was my first reaction tbh. No worries though, the game itself is alright - a platform shooter with cute pixel art and lots of action. It plays well too. The only other negative thing I can find with it is the keys placement - I got them confused lots of times while playing.

This is minor stuff though, the game's a joy to waste a few hours! Dig in!

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #49 - 19.03.10 at 10:53:51
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Hannah in a choppa

Someone said Choppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaah never mind, that joke's getting old Smiley. In short: it's a monochrome physics game where you get to fly a cute chopper around caverns and reach the levels' designated points. It's visual style is nice, with texts mocking the game itself spread across the levels (which act like a tutorial too). The music score is unusual for games like these, but very fitting and fun.

Give it a go, I'm sure you'll find it difficult to stop after you play a couple of levels Smiley

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #50 - 19.03.10 at 11:23:07
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The Shift series

Another of those "*facepalm* Why didn't I think of it myself?" games. Shift is a very standard platformer in black and white, if you don't count a very simple and unique twist: Press the key "shift" and the level turns 180 degrees and you end up on tile you were standing, but you're flipped 180 degrees to, and have the opposite colour. This makes for some very crafty level design, where you can both shift and hit certain icons to toy with gravity. There are also some keys which change the levels' structure, making up for even more mayhem!

The theme of the game reminds of Portal (i.e. you're a guinea pig in a test lab and you're being monitored constantly and in every room), but I'm sure I played this before Portal was shipped (and in any case, don't think Narbacular Dr.... erm, Portal, wasn't influenced by other games Wink).

Nuff said, go give it a spin if you haven't already, I'm pretty sure you'll like it

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #51 - 19.03.10 at 11:28:59
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Ever since I remembered Hapland and posted about it, I was trying to find another game in the same vein, but I remembered it was Japanese and it had a horror theme: the middle of the screen was occupied by a nasty huge insect and some stick figures were trying to kill it and get away with their lives. It was very difficult and, like Hapland, needed a lot of thinking and synchronization, but it was very rewarding (at least, to me!).

And look, after digging in other sites etc, I managed to discover it again \o/


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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #52 - 19.03.10 at 11:40:54
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Chain on Fire

"Do you smell something burning? Like pork?"

The goal is very simple - set every living thing and tree on fire! Select one, tell him which direction to go, and watch him catch fire and get the others to burn too. Bad for your karma, but whattahell Tongue

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #53 - 19.03.10 at 11:46:07
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Kagi nochi tobira series

Read what I wrote above for the Hoshi series. Only that this one's in black/orange

« Last Edit: 19.03.10 at 11:59:08 by ggn »  
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #54 - 19.03.10 at 12:51:51
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Little wheel

A little diamond, this. It's a very simple and small in size point'n'click adventure game set in a robots-only planet. A freak accident kills the power, and another one activates a single robot (after 10k years Smiley). So it sets off to restore power.

Very cute visuals and heartwarming music - go on, spend 10 mins of your life on it. You'll feel all the better Smiley

« Last Edit: 21.03.10 at 13:50:23 by ggn »  
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #55 - 21.03.10 at 13:40:44
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Never end

Reminds a lot of shift, but instead of flipping the screen upside-down, you can rotate the screen in 90 degree increments. Much craftier puzzles Smiley

« Last Edit: 21.03.10 at 13:56:27 by ggn »  
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #56 - 21.03.10 at 13:41:02
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Look at the screenshots. Now try to imagine them animating. Now think of more twisted ways of animating them. Now add some puzzles in there. Oh hell, just click the damn link and try the demo version, it's captivating Smiley (plus I can't describe it or spoil the learning process for you - it's part of the fun!)

« Last Edit: 21.03.10 at 14:00:38 by ggn »  
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #57 - 21.03.10 at 13:41:16
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Finished Hapland and want more? Well, here's more!

« Last Edit: 21.03.10 at 14:31:34 by ggn »  
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #58 - 21.03.10 at 13:41:28
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Circle the cat

Kitty loves to move in hexagon grids.
Kitty loves to start from the middle of the grid.
Kitty is elusive.
Kitty wants to get out of the grid.
Kitty is scared of you placing obstacles.
Go grab the kitty Smiley

« Last Edit: 21.03.10 at 14:04:31 by ggn »  
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #59 - 21.03.10 at 13:41:42
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Underworld trip

So you have this highly pixellated guy, he travels a (horizontal) level full of obstacles that can chop him up in numerous ways. Then, when he manages it, he goes into a room where a guy sits in a desk (different head every level). He then gets down on his knees and starts praying (while on the background people chant). Unimpressed, the boss/underworld god/<insert random sadist> pushes a button on his desk and a trapdoor opens (well I can't tell due to the pixellation, for all I know he MAKES IT SO with his WILL POWA). The poor guy plunges to another level and then the same thing happens.

Why so cruel there boss/underworld god/<insert random sadist>??? WHY??

I wish I knew Japanese so I could explain this - it would save me writing up goofy explanations like these Tongue.

« Last Edit: 21.03.10 at 14:12:36 by ggn »  
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