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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #60 - 21.03.10 at 13:41:55
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Scrxxx AS3

Super Scramble in 2D-vectors. Nuff said!

« Last Edit: 21.03.10 at 14:34:30 by ggn »  
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #61 - 21.03.10 at 13:42:07
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Nekogames collection

A nice collection of small and simple (yet addicting) games featuring cute kittens and blueish colours!

« Last Edit: 21.03.10 at 14:37:21 by ggn »  
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #62 - 21.03.10 at 13:42:20
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Infect'em'up at its best! You have a nasty cold, and the objective is to infect more people! That'll show 'em! You just do an initial sneeze to a few poor souls and then go sit in a corner and watch the infection spread out (and you LYFAO Smiley)

« Last Edit: 21.03.10 at 14:40:25 by ggn »  
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #63 - 21.03.10 at 13:42:36
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Leaf Blight

Pluck the bad leafs strategically so the tree will grow new, healthy green ones. Feels nice when you finish a level to be honest!

« Last Edit: 21.03.10 at 14:43:42 by ggn »  
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #64 - 21.03.10 at 13:42:44
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That gravity game

You are a mutated marshmallow that gets stuck in a world where gravity fields are a normal thing. Sounds pretty boring huh? I guess the screenshot gives that impression too. The game plays very nice though and the main character animation is fun. The game overall isn't that difficult, so you won't have to spend an eternity trying to finish it.

So, give it a try!
« Last Edit: 21.03.10 at 14:50:13 by ggn »  

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #65 - 22.03.10 at 19:18:57
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Agh, I'm so far behind on this thread but I had to mention this one:

Cream Wolf is just odd and a bit off & a bit weird. It's also a bit good.


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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #66 - 22.03.10 at 21:30:25
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ggn wrote on 21.03.10 at 13:42:36:
Leaf Blight

Ridiculously addictive... it just MAKES me want to get rid of the leaves... fuck it, next time I go for deforestation... addictive but NOT fun! Wink

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #67 - 23.03.10 at 21:03:27
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Probably the best point'n'click adventure game of the past decade. No, really! It's all so nicely balanced, it's dreamlike! The script, the graphics, sound, puzzles... All very well thought and presented. The flashback bits that the character has when you leave it alone for a few mintutes are cute. Everything in this game simply rocks! Of course you have to buy it to see most of the game, but just for the 2 screens you can check out even online, this game gets a mention here Smiley

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #68 - 23.03.10 at 21:21:28
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Naaaaah, it's just good graphics. Well, it has quite some repeatability, you have this "one more go" urge, so it's ok I guess Smiley. Another fine 5-min waster!

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #69 - 26.03.10 at 19:28:47
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Full Moon

Help the cute bunny get his midnight yummy snacks by clicking around the screen, thus interacting with the environment. I think these experimental games suit flash the most, IMHO it's not cut out for action games Smiley

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #70 - 26.03.10 at 20:17:19
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Specter Spelunker shrinks

Ever had a panic attack concerning scale when you were younger (or maybe older)? Did you imagine you were too small while the world around you was huge? Or that you were a giant? Did you ever try to figure out infinity in size?

That's the idea behind this game: your character can change size at any given time, so you can overcome hurdles. Some puzzles can even be skipped with some clever resizing, while changing scale can reveal new, unseen ones. Quite brilliant I must admit.

Also, heads up for Unity - hope it knocks crappy Flash/Actionscript out of the picture in the future Smiley. It uses far less resources than flash and it even does 3D!

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #71 - 28.03.10 at 14:48:43
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Winner vs Loser

Bwahahaha! This is a good laugh! I can only describe it as a piss take on games like Activision's Decathlon or Track'n'Field. Reminded me of QWOP to be honest, but it's a bit more controllable. Great fun for one or two players Smiley

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #72 - 31.03.10 at 10:54:38
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You are a stationary target. Shoot the stuff that comes at you so it won't hit you. Simple. Fun.

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #73 - 04.04.10 at 19:58:49
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Nano Ninja

Like One button Bob, but with a ninja Smiley

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #74 - 17.04.10 at 22:13:46
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ROM check fail

Ohnoes the romz are b0rked! The board is going berserk!

Have you ever wondered what a fight between the pacman sprite and the space invaders sprites would be? Or mario vs gauntlet ghosts? Or defender vs arkanoid bricks? Well, this game does random variations of the above characters and enemies, and much more. This is in itself fun, but add to that that both player and enemies sprites change every 10 secs or so (due to corruption in teh r0mz Smiley) and you get a very interesting game indeed!

It's a whatnot, so grab it from

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #75 - 21.04.10 at 20:50:18
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Hooray! New Hoshi Saga game \o/ - updated the link on the relevant reply!
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #76 - 21.04.10 at 21:11:30
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The Cactus games

More whatnots coming up! All coming from a single Swede going by the nickname Cactus. After trying a few of his games, I can easily say that I'm a big fan of his stuff - personal favorites so far are

  • Xoldiers (very cute shoot'em'up - written with another favorite of mine, Terry Cavanagh)
  • Mondo agency (presenting some puzzles requiring out-of-the-box thinking using a glitchy FPS engine. Actually there's a lot I could say here about the cleverness of adding noise/more glitches to a buggy engine to hide the fact that it's imperfect -at least that's what I think-, but I'll leave it for people that write indie game blogs write about it! Also, the scenario is absolutely mad! I love the b0rken english!)
  • Mondo medicals (the prequel to Mondo agency, every bit as good)

Check out his webpage at - lots of cool stuff inside!

P.S. Look out for his forthcoming game "Tuning" - I saw some vids so far and it looks absolutely brilliant! (plus it won him some indie game award - well deserved Smiley)

« Last Edit: 22.04.10 at 12:27:17 by ggn »  
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #77 - 22.04.10 at 12:32:48
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Self Destruct

Well, since I mentioned Terry on the last entry, it'd be criminally wrong not to mention his very awesome shooter Smiley. This is a bare bones game, wave after wave of enemy coming towards you at breakneck speeds with you having only one life. The question being: how much of this can you bare in 1 session? Smiley

P.S. Give "Pathways" a go, at least if you like a bit of experimental gameplay. Also, check out his first commercial game, VVVVVV - there's a free demo on his website.
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #78 - 22.04.10 at 18:49:03
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The unfinished shadow game

An interesting game involving light and shadows. You are this ball that's stuck in some mazes where you have to collect stars to escape. You have to choose wisely where to stand and move though, because standing close to the light or shadows might cause you to die horribly.

Well, it sure needed more levels, and the concept should have been more explored, but it's a nice 10-minute waster Smiley

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #79 - 22.04.10 at 19:36:25
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Tracking main sprites? Check
Horizontal movement by mouse? Check
Click left mouse button to jump? Check
Tracking enemies doing acrobatics, coming from the ground? Check?
Increasing main sprites and enemies as you go along? Check
Fun? Check!

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #80 - 23.04.10 at 00:02:15
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ggn wrote on 22.04.10 at 19:36:25:

Tracking main sprites? Check
Horizontal movement by mouse? Check
Click left mouse button to jump? Check
Tracking enemies doing acrobatics, coming from the ground? Check?
Increasing main sprites and enemies as you go along? Check
Fun? Check!

That just looks great Smiley Love those gfx, have to give that a go!
« Last Edit: 23.04.10 at 00:02:28 by sh3-rg »  

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #81 - 25.04.10 at 07:29:48
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Spectrum Genesis

Okay, how do I even describe this?

You are a constantly rotating dash over a grid of dots. You are always touching one dot and rotating around it, with one end pinned on that dot. While rotating you touch other dots within distance. When you touch another dot and hit the button, you attach yourself to the other dot. You can change rotation direction using another button. The goal is to reach the point that has a star. As a subgoal you have to touch every point on the grid. To spice things up, other dashes might be rotating that you shouldn't touch, as well as some obstacles.

There. Did you get all this? No? Thought so, so go try out the game, it'll make sense in 10 seconds!

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #82 - 25.04.10 at 22:27:35
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Here's one that I loved from the second time I clicked on the mouse after the game started Smiley. You have this cowboy character who is very very light. So light in fact that firing his 2 six-shooters sends him off to the opposite direction! He's so goddamn light that he can even fly because of this! That's the game really, try to reach the bottom of the level, by flying, avoiding obstacles etc.

The graphics are actually quite nicely executed - trying to emulate the old vcs blocky games, and adding a B&W tv filters - all quite pleasant! The character is very responsive to your firing, so the game's quite pleasant to play!

« Last Edit: 25.04.10 at 22:28:07 by ggn »  
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #83 - 05.05.10 at 13:41:35
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The walls are not cheese

Made for the ludum dare 48 hour game compo, this is a game with solid game mechanics and very simplistic graphics (which is the opposite of what's usually happening there). Your character is a square that fires smaller squares. Your bullets can kill enemies (which is the game objective) on a level, but they can also puncture walls. What's the game's gimmick though is that whenever your (or the enemies') bullets hit something, some debris pixels appear. You can suck these to increase your bullet cache (as it decreases as you fire).

Give it a go, it's worth it I think.

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #84 - 05.05.10 at 14:57:46
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Cheese is an interesting one, very easy to get in to but just not quite fun enough to keep me playing... for 2 days work it's really impressive. Like the vacuum idea, too!

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #85 - 11.05.10 at 19:18:43
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More Adult Swim goodness in this platformer with simple controls & Bionic Commando extending arm. The fun is in figuring out the levels by combining what you learned before. Sound & graphics are spot on in this one, score is worked out every 10 levels, based on time to complete them. Die as many times as you like - my kind of game.

Screen shot doesn't do it justice, must be the way the gfx work, but I can't get his arm to appear Cheesy
« Last Edit: 11.05.10 at 19:21:17 by sh3-rg »  

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #86 - 13.05.10 at 20:29:43
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Rocket bike to space

So I was checking some entries from Ludum Dare 17, which is basically game creation in 48 hours (the theme is announced and then you got 2 days to finish your game, at whatever state it's in). Going thru the endless tower defense clones that people submitted, I came across this little diamond here Smiley.

Another cool 1-button game, this has you jumping with the bike across platforms, picking up items optionally and hitting stars for checkpoints. There is a neat moment around the middle of the game, but I'm going to let you discover it yourself. Graphics are quite brilliant and for 48 hours, I don't think this can get any better!

Go on, press the (up) button!

P.S. the online version didn't have any sounds, so I recommend this for soundtrack: Smiley

« Last Edit: 13.05.10 at 20:53:33 by ggn »  
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #87 - 13.05.10 at 20:51:26
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Another from the LD bunch I liked, imagine a 2d maze game where you have to go around rocks and have to avoid pits to get the diamond. Now imagine that there are more than 1 of those caves on screen with different designs, and rotated in 90 degree increments. When you make a move, all characters move at the same time.

Ok, I really have to admit that (like sh3) after it showed 3 caves at once, my brain began to melt! But for 48 hours, it's brilliantly executed Smiley

« Last Edit: 13.05.10 at 20:52:40 by ggn »  
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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #88 - 13.05.10 at 21:09:20
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Isles of color

Yet another LD game, this is a bog standard top-down 2d maze game, but, unlike Pleochorism, it doesn't have any gimmicks, just extremely good level design (hey, 48 hours? Smiley). The levels aren't thrown in together, a lot of thought has been made behind them for the puzzles to work. Plus, it has 4 different themes for puzzles set-up: rock pushing through gaps, springs that make you jump, ice slippery tiles and the fourth I haven't tried yet because I had a quick run with the game (each map quarter has its own theme).

Excellent stuff, recommended Smiley

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Re: Online games (and whatnot)!
Reply #89 - 15.05.10 at 14:32:29
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Nanaca crash

There was once a teenage biker girl who was madly in love with a guy. The guy obviously cheated on her, so she decided to take revenge. So she waited until the right moment (in this case, a sunny spring morning), and when she saw him in front of her, she sped up her bike, took aim and BOEM! The guy went flying into the air!

Farther and farther away! And then gravity (and friction) overcame the initial force of the crash, so he started descending down into the earth. A couple of times he hit the pavement and bounced back up (because errr he was made of rubber? I'm improvising, so gimme a break will ya? Smiley). But since this was a crowded street, eventually he bumped into a few people.

Guys (like him) usually decreased his horizontal speed but gave him height. A couple of girls would just slow him down. But most of the girls possess Dragonball like powers and give him a tremendous speed and height boost! And if that isn't enough, the bike girl can teleport in midair at (the player's) will and give him another beating! Oh, and finally some of the girls have ultra-super-extra-Dragonball powers that give him an even bigger boost!

Eventually, the guy drops horizontal speed and bounce back height, and either clings on some bystander or falls off the screen!

Now then, if you think there's a game into this somewhere you can click and try it out yourself Smiley

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